Displaying a specific unicode character in another android version

I am currently trying to display a specific Unicode character ("\u24BA",β’Ί)

that I am getting from my API and am trying to display it in a TextView.

The display works great on Android 5+. However, when I try to use Android 4.2 and 4.4, I got different behavior.

Android 4.2 replace character with empty string. Android 4.4 will replace the character with uppercase E.

My original case was that the Android 4+ font does not handle this Unicode character and I decided to implement Typeface with Roboto_Medium.ttf

Typeface medium = Typeface.createFromAsset(context.getAssets(), "Roboto-Medium.ttf");
name.setText("β’Ί");  or name.setText(Html.fromHtml("\u24BA");


I got the same result as above.

Any idea?


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