How can I check if a field in MongoDB is [] or {}?

MongoDB. One of the fields of the document can be either an array, including an empty array, a subdocument, which can be empty or not, or null or does not exist at all. I need a find () condition that will match a non-empty nested document, and just that.


fieldName: {} - no match.
fieldName: [ { id:0 } ] - no match.
fieldName: [ {} ] - no match.
No field called fieldName - no match.
fieldName: null - no match.
fieldName: { id: 0 } - match.


I have no permission to change anything, I have to work with the database as it is. How do I state what find () is?


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2 answers

Use the following query:

   "fieldName": { "$gt": {} }, 
   "fieldName.0": { "$exists": false } 


For example, in the above test case, insert the following documents:

    { _id: 1, fieldName: {} },
    { _id: 2, fieldName: [ { id: 0 } ] },
    { _id: 3, fieldName: [ {} ] },
    { _id: 4 },
    { _id: 5, fieldName: null},
    { _id: 6, fieldName: { id: 0 } }


the above query will return the document with _id: 6

/* 0 */
    "_id" : 6,
    "fieldName" : {
        "id" : 0




You can use and . $type


Check the type first id

and last if fieldname

is an array, using what's called dot notation .

    "": { $type: 1 }, "fieldName.0": { $exists: false }




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