ASP.NET MVC HtmlHelper Razor Syntax

I am currently learning ASP.NET MVC and the following piece of code is presented:

@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.FirstName, new { @placeholder = "First name"})


I understand that the lambda expression refers to the model as m , but what is the second argument? It seems to be an anonymous type, but my main question is, why is there an @ symbol in front of the subscriber ?


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3 answers

The second argument htmlAttributes

you can use to add additional attributes to the HTML generated by the helper (@ Html.TextBoxFor is the HTML helper).

The generated code for your example will look like this:

@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.FirstName, new { @placeholder = "First name"})
<input type="text" name="FirstName" placeholder="First name" />


If you want, you can add more attributes and they will be added to the generated tag as well:

@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.FirstName, new { placeholder = "First name", @class="my_text_box_class" })
<input type="text" name="FirstName" placeholder="First name" class="my_text_box_class" />


It is also possible to override the textbox value with Value

(uppercase V!):

@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.FirstName, new { placeholder = "First name", Value="John Johnson"})
<input type="text" name="FirstName" placeholder="First name" value="John Johnson" />


The reason for the @ symbol is that you want to get an attribute named exactly like the C # reserved word . class, private, namespace, etc. This is a way to make the C # interpreter stop interpreting it as a C # value. The @ symbol is only required for these reserved words.



The syntax @placeholder

tells the razor engine that you want to assign a value to the html attribute for the element that the helper will render. This way, if you needed to set a class on a textbox, your anonymous type would change to:

new { @placeholder = "First name", @class = "BoldText" }


In terms of usage @

, @

allows reserved keywords to be used as variable names. If you tried to use

class = "BoldText"


you will get a runtime error in your view as it class

is a reserved keyword in C #. Pre-processing @

ensures this does not happen and is considered "best practice". @

it would only be necessary before class

, not placeholder




The second parameter expects an anonymous object for htmlAttributes

which you would like to specify in your input.

You are using a symbol @

to tell the razor engine that you are specifying htmlAttribute

, not a reserved keyword.



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