How to dig into a specific hash depth?

I have a hash where I don't know its depth. I got it from DBI::selectall_hashref

where the second parameter is user supplied.

So, depending on the request, I might have something similar for a two-level hash.

hash_ref = (
   aphrodite => (
      foo => (
         name => aphrodite,
         foobar => foo
         a => 1,
         b => 2,
      bar => (
         name => aphrodite,
         foobar => bar
         a => 1,
         b => 2,
   apollo => (
   ares => (


As you can see, the columns are key

redundant in the hash. I would like to delete extra keys.

If I know that this is a 2-level hash, I can easily solve my problem:

for my $name (keys $hash_ref) {
    for my $foobar (keys $hash_ref->{$name}) {
        my $h = $hash_ref->{$name}{$foobar};
        delete $h->{name};
        delete $h->{foobar};


However with a 3-level hash, I would need 3 cascade loops, etc.

How can I dynamically remove redundant keys from $hash_ref

ie name

and foobar


My initial idea was to iterate over the hash recursively:

iterate($hash_ref, scalar @keys);
sub iterate {
    my ($ref, $depth) = @_;
    for(keys $ref) {
        if ($depth > 0) { 
            iterate($ref->{$_}, $depth - 1);  
        else {
            delete $ref->{$_} for(@keys);


It works, but it's ugly, very ugly ... Before I go any further, I would like to know if I missed anything. Perhaps the solution could be much simpler than I think.

Any ideas?

More details?

I am writing a database collector that accepts a custom configuration containing a SQL query $sql

and hash keys @keys

. So I get the values ​​from the database with:

$dbh->selecthall_hashref($sql, \@keys, {}, @bind);


I also need to clean the extracted data according to the additional. Apply these rules, I have to iterate through the deepest level $hash_ref

for key / value access.


source to share

1 answer

I think this does what you need. Basically, it recurses through the hash until it finds a layer where the hash values ​​are not references. Then it removes the elements from that layer using the keys in@keys

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

use Data::Dump;
use List::Util 'any';

my $hash_ref = {
  aphrodite => {
    bar => { name => "aphrodite", foobar => "bar", a => 3, b => 4, },
    foo => { name => "aphrodite", foobar => "foo", a => 1, b => 2, },
  apollo => {
    bar => { name => "apollo",    foobar => "bar", a => 7, b => 8, },
    foo => { name => "apollo",    foobar => "foo", a => 5, b => 6, },
  ares => {
    bar => { name => "ares",      foobar => "bar", a => 11, b => 12, },
    foo => { name => "ares",      foobar => "foo", a => 9,  b => 10, },

my @keys = qw/ name foobar /;

remove_dups($hash_ref, \@keys);

dd $hash_ref;

sub remove_dups {
  my ($href, $keys) = @_;
  if ( any { ref } values %$href ) {
    remove_dups($_, $keys) for values %$href;
  else {
    delete @{$href}{@$keys};



  aphrodite => { bar => { a => 3, b => 4 }, foo => { a => 1, b => 2 } },
  apollo => { bar => { a => 7, b => 8 }, foo => { a => 5, b => 6 } },
  ares => { bar => { a => 11, b => 12 }, foo => { a => 9, b => 10 } },




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