Insert ignore pandas dataframe in mysql

I want to "insert ignore" the whole pandas framework into mysql. Is there a way to do this without looping through the lines?

In dataframe.to_sql I only see the if_exists 'append' option, but will it continue with duplicate unique keys?


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2 answers

Consider using a temporary table (with the exact structure of the final table), which is always replaced with pandas, then run INSERT IGNORE

in a cursor call:

dataframe.to_sql('myTempTable', con, if_exists ='replace')

cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO myFinalTable SELECT * FROM myTempTable")




There is no way to do this in pandas prior to the current version pandas (0.20.3)


The option if_exists

applies only to the table (not by row) as stated in the documentation .

if_exists : {‘fail’, ‘replace’, ‘append’}, default ‘fail’



: If the table exists , do nothing.


: If the table exists , drop it, re-create and insert the data.


: If the table exists , insert the data. Create if doesn't exist.

Through Looping

This will slow down the process when you insert one line at a time

for x in xrange(data_frame.shape[0]):
        data_frame.iloc[x:x+1].to_sql(con=sql_engine, name="table_name", if_exists='append')
    except IntegrityError:
        # Your code to handle duplicates




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