Matlab: efficiently creating subarrays from an array

I have a matrix m x m


that I am sampling for different parts to generate sub-matrices k

into the matrix n x n x k


. I'm wondering: Could this be done efficiently without a for loop?

Here's a simple example:

M = [1:10]'*[1:10];                 %//' Large Matrix
indxs = [1 2;2 1;2 2];
N = zeros(4,4,3);                   %// Matrix to contain subarrays

for i=1:3,
   N(:,:,i) = M(3-indxs(i,1):6-indxs(i,1),3-indxs(i,2):6-indxs(i,2));


In my actual code, the matrices M

and are N

quite large and this operation loops over a thousand times, so this inefficiency significantly affects the runtime.


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1 answer

It can be vectorized with bsxfun

twice. This does not mean that it is necessarily more efficient:

M = [1:10].'*[1:10]; %'// Large Matrix
indxs = [1 2;2 1;2 2];

r = size(M,1);
ind = bsxfun(@plus, (3:6).', ((3:6)-1)*r); %'// "3" and "6" as per your example
N = M(bsxfun(@minus, ind, reshape(indxs(:,1)+indxs(:,2)*r, 1,1,[])));




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