Nginx FastCGI-strip from location prefix?
I am writing a web application in Python using, spawn_fcgi and nginx.
Let's say I have this config block in nginx:
location / {
include fastcgi.conf;
If I then access, say,
the FastCGI application gets the /api/test
request as its location. The framework will use this location when determining which class to execute. For example:
urls = ( "/api/.*", myClass )
The problem arises if I need to place this script elsewhere on the website. For example:
location /app {
include fastcgi.conf;
Now when I access the
FastCGI application gets it /app/api/test
as its location.
Of course it can be located anywhere:
eg. :-)
I would like the application to be relocatable as installing it on other servers might require it (for example, it has to share the server with something else). It also seems a bit stubborn to insist that every server put it in the same "virtual subdirectory".
Right now, my workaround was to do something like this:
URL_PREFIX = "/app" # the same as the nginx location parameter
urls = ( URL_PREFIX+"/api/.*",myClass )
Here are the problems: 1) this means that the script still needs to be edited to the site (not necessarily terrible, but at least inconvenient) and 2) that the variable URL_PREFIX
must be globally available for the entire collection of scripts - because, for example, any class or the function may need to access the location, but will not need to include the prefix.
I am using custom python packages (for example, directories containing init .py scripts ) to make it easier to manage the various scripts that make up the application, but the problem is passing this URL_PREFIX parameter. Example:
from myapp import appclass
import web
URL_PREFIX = "/app" # the same as the nginx location parameter
urls = ( URL_PREFIX+"/api/.*",appclass.myClass )
app = web.application(urls,globals())
if __name__ == "__main__":
web.wsgi.runwsgi = lambda func, addr=None: web.wsgi.runfcgi(func, addr)
MyApp /
class myClass:
def GET(self):
global URL_PREFIX # this does not work!
Is there an nginx option to make the path sent to FastCGI relative to location, or a more elegant way to handle this in
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