App does not work in apple screen simulator due to problem with package id

I am creating an apple viewer app for which I created an AppGroup and also installed the provisioning profile and certificate.

Now the problem is that when creating / running the "watchkit app" xcode gives an error message,

warning: Capabilities that require entitlements from "appname WatchKit Extension/appname WatchKit Extension.entitlements" may not function in the Simulator because the provisioning profile specified in your build settings ("WatchKitProfile") has an AppID of "" which does not match your bundle identifier "".


and nothing shows up in applewatch simulator. But the app works fine in the iPhone simulator.

Even applewatch methods don't call WKInterfaceController.openParentApplication

Another doubt: I am using an application group that is already in use by other members. If this creates any problem or is it a problem for this warning.

Can anyone help me with this.


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1 answer

When you create an Application ID, you need to restore the provisioning profiles as they will not have the newly created Application ID. Xcode can do this automatically for you as a "Fix Bug" prompt.

Make sure that once you've created your App ID, you've added it as both the main app and the app extension for the watch set using the Features tab and click Fix Issues until everything is fine.



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