Rails nested forms & # 8594; different treatment depending on the value

I have this tricky question regarding nested forms. Just tell me I have the following models:

  • a restaurant
  • employees in which employees belong to the restaurant.

I also have two types of employees in the employee model,

  • Managers
  • Staff


denoted by an attribute manager

in the model employees

, it is boolean


When I go to edit the list of employees for each restaurant, it is through a nested form, that is:

<%= f.simple_fields for :employees do |f| %>
  <%= render 'employee_fields', :f => f %>
<% end %>


MY QUESTION : Is there a way to render different partial forms depending on the type of employee? For example, if the current employee is a manager, then

<%= render 'manager_fields', :f => f %>. 


Otherwise, if the current employee is a staff, then

<%= render 'staff_fields', :f => f %>.



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4 answers

Yes, using the ternary operator:

<%= render f.object.manager? ? 'manager_fields' : 'staff_fields' , :f => f %>


If you can change your design, I have a better solution for you. What follows:

Use Rails enum .

Add a field desgination

as an integer field in your model Employee

using migration.

Then inside the model:

enum designation: [ :staff, :manager ]


Then you will store the word in a column designation

, either manager

(value is 1) or staff

(value is 0). Now inside the call to the view <%= render f.object.desgination , :f => f %>

. And you have to have _manager.html.erb

, and _staff.html.erb

2 partial.

And you're done!



Yes, but it might look a little ugly:

<%= f.simple_fields for :employees do |f| %>
  <%= render (f.object.manager? ? 'manager_fields' : 'staff_fields'), :f => f %>
<% end %>


I would probably create a helper method, for example in a file, ApplicationHelper

or EmployeesHelper


def get_employee_partial(employee)
  employee.manager? ? 'manager_fields' : 'staff_fields'


and then in the form:

<%= render get_employee_partial(f.object), :f => f %>




You can achieve conditional rendering by doing something like the following:

<%= f.simple_fields for :employees do |f| %>
  <% if f.object.manager? %>
    <%= render 'manager_fields', :f => f %>
  <% elsif f.object.staff? %>
    <%= render 'staff_fields', :f => f %>        
  <% end %>
<% end %>


If you plan to have only the role manager

and staff

in your model, the Employee, you can simplify it by using a three-dimensional operator, for example, in response R_O_R.

You can separate the conditional logic from your view template. You can do this by creating a helper method shown in Surya's answer.

Hope it helps!



<%= f.simple_fields for :employees do |e| %>
  <% partial_name = e.object.manager? ? 'manager' : 'staff' %>
  <%= render "#{partial_name}_fields" %>
<% end %>




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