Plone Archetypes redirection after creation

I've searched the internet for a while, but I haven't found anything useful ...

I want to do something as simple as redirecting the page to the list page (folder) after saving / creating the AT content type.

I already know that I need to use validate_integrity.cpy and write my redirect logic there, but the file won't run ...

So far, this is an example of my validate_integrity.cpy:

## Script (Python) "validate_integrity"
##title=Validate Integrity
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind state=state
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath

from Products.Archetypes import PloneMessageFactory as _
from Products.Archetypes.utils import addStatusMessage

request = context.REQUEST
errors = {}
errors = context.validate(REQUEST=request, errors=errors, data=1, metadata=0)
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
if errors:
    message = _(u'Please correct the indicated errors.')
    addStatusMessage(request, message, type='error')
    return state.set(status='failure', errors=errors)
    message = _(u'Changes saved.')
    stat = 'created'

    # Redirection after saving edition forms
    redirects = {'Multifile': context.aq_parent.absolute_url_path() + '/multifile'}
    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    if context.portal_type in redirects:
        redirect = 'redirect_to:string:${portal_url}' + redirects[context.portal_type]
        stat = 'success'

    addStatusMessage(request, message)
    return state.set(status=stat)



I just needed to write the following update step:

from Acquisition import aq_inner, aq_parent
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName

def upgrade(tool):
    portal = aq_parent(aq_inner(tool))
    setup = portal.portal_setup
    setup.runImportStepFromProfile('profile-my.addon:default', 'skins')


Useful information about the update steps here


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1 answer

Your * .metadata file may be missing or have an action that is routed to a different location than you expect:

The default metadata for content_edit lives in Products / Archetypes / skins / archetypes / content_edit.cpy.metadata:

action.success = traverse_to:string:validate_integrity
action.success_add_reference = redirect_to:python:object.REQUEST['last_referer']
action.failure = traverse_to_action:string:edit
action.next_schemata = traverse_to_action:string:edit


Does your action button mean "success"?



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