A regex to ensure all links have a target = "_blank"

I have a textarea that uses CKEditor to generate HTML. I want all links the user enters to have target="_blank"

. I thought I needed to do two regex validation: replace either target="..."

with target="_blank"

, and the other just insert the target attribute where the target attribute doesn't exist. I haven't made much progress:

// where target attribute doesn't exist, add it
preg_replace("/<a(\s*(?!target)([\w\-])+=([\\"\'])[^\\"\']+\3)*\s*\/?>/", "<a target="_blank"$1>", $input_lines);


This works in this simple case:

<a href="#">one</a> ---> <a target="_blank" href="#">one</a>


It doesn't work for <a href="#" alt="hello">one</a>

, I'm not sure why, but then I usually don't do this complicated with regexes.

Also, how would you replace the existing one target="..."

(for example, target="_parent

") with strictly target="_blank



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2 answers

You can safely use PHP DOM with XPATH to set attributes or change existing ones in all tags <a>

like this:

$html = <<<DATA
<a href="somelink.html" target="_blank"><img src="myimage.jpg" alt="alt" title="sometitle" /></a>
<a href="somelink1.php" target="_parent">link_no1</a>
<a href="somelink2.php">link_no2</a>
<a href="someimage.jpg"><img src="image2.png"></a>

$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');

$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$links = $xpath->query('//a');

foreach($links as $link) { 
   $link->setAttribute('target', '_blank');

echo $dom->saveHTML();


See IDEONE demo


<a href="somelink.html" target="_blank"><img src="myimage.jpg" alt="alt" title="sometitle"><a href="somelink1.php" target="_blank">link_no1</a><a href="somelink2.php" target="_blank">link_no2</a><a href="someimage.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="image2.png"></a></a>




A slightly different approach.

Remove all items first target="..."

. Perhaps replace with \btarget="[^"]*"

nothing or just one space.

Then add the items you want target="_blank"

. Perhaps replace <a

with <a target="_blank"


But be careful with these text replacements in unexpected places in the file. As noted in the comment on the question, it is almost always best to use a proper HTML / XML parser.



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