Renaming duplicate rows in R

I have an R data frame that has two columns of rows. One of the columns (for example, column 1) has duplicate values. I need to move this column so that it duplicates rows renamed with ordered suffixes like

 Column1   Column2
 1         A         1_1
 1         B         1_2
 2         C         2_1
 2         D         2_2
 3         E         3
 4         F         4


Any ideas on how to do this would be appreciated.




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4 answers

Let's say your data (ordered by Column1

) is inside an object named tab

. First create a run length object

c1.rle <- rle(tab$Column1)
##lengths: int [1:4] 2 2 1 1
##values : int [1:4] 1 2 3 4


This gives you the values Column1

and the corresponding number of occurrences of each item. Then use this information to create a new column with unique IDs:

tab$ <- paste0(rep(c1.rle$values, times = c1.rle$lengths), "_",
        unlist(lapply(c1.rle$lengths, seq_len)))


Not sure if this fits your situation, but you can just paste together Column1

and Column2

to create a unique ID ...



Maybe a little more workaround, but parts of this might be more useful and simpler for those who don't have exactly the same needs. make.names

with attribute unique=T

adds duplicate point and number names:

x <- make.names(tab$Column1,unique=T)
> print(x)
[1] "X1"   "X1.1" "X2"   "X2.1" "X3"   "X4"   


This may be enough for some people. Here you can grab the first elements of the repeating elements but not the repeating elements and then add .0

to the end.

y <- rle(tab$Column1)
tmp <- !duplicated(tab$Column1) & (tab$Column1 %in% y$values[y$lengths>1])
x[tmp] <- str_replace(x[tmp],"$","\\.0")
> print(x)
[1] "X1.0" "X1.1" "X2.0" "X2.1" "X3"   "X4"


Replace dots and remove X

x <- str_replace(x,"X","")
x <- str_replace(x,"\\.","_")
> print(x)
[1] "1_0" "1_1" "2_0" "2_1" "3"   "4" 


Perhaps you will be good enough for you. But if you want indexing to start at 1, grab the numbers, add them, and return them.

z <- str_match(x,"_([0-9]*)$")[,2]
z <- as.character(as.numeric(z)+1)
x <- str_replace(x,"_([0-9]*)$",paste0("_",z))
> print(x)
[1] "1_1" "1_2" "2_1" "2_2" "3"   "4" 


As I said, there is a more workaround here, but gives some options.



d <- read.table(text='Column1   Column2  
 1         A 
 1         B 
 2         C 
 2         D 
 3         E 
 4         F', header=TRUE)

transform(d, = ifelse(duplicated(Column1) | duplicated(Column1, fromLast=TRUE), 
                         paste(Column1, ave(Column1, Column1, FUN=seq_along), sep='_'), 

#   Column1 Column2
# 1       1       A         1_1
# 2       1       B         1_2
# 3       2       C         2_1
# 4       2       D         2_2
# 5       3       E           3
# 6       4       F           4




@ Cão's answer with base R only:

Column1   Column2
1         A         #1_1
1         B         #1_2
2         C         #2_1
2         D         #2_2
3         E         #3
4         F         #4", stringsAsFactors=F, header=T)

mstring <- make.unique(as.character(string) )
y <- rle(string)
tmp <- !duplicated(string) & (string %in% y$values[y$lengths>1])
mstring[tmp]<-gsub("(.*)","\\1_0", mstring[tmp]) 
end <- sub(".*_([0-9]+)","\\1",grep("_([0-9]*)$",mstring,value=T) ) 
beg <- sub("(.*_)[0-9]+","\\1",grep("_([0-9]*)$",mstring,value=T) ) 
newend <- as.numeric(end)+1




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