How to separate thousands of people

I would like to format the number so that every thousand has to be separated by a space.

What I have tried:

addSpaceSep <- function(x) {
  x %>% 
    as.character %>% 
    strsplit(split = NULL) %>% 
    unlist %>% 
    rev %>% 
    split(ceiling(seq_along(.) / 3)) %>% 
    lapply(paste, collapse = "") %>% 
    paste(collapse = " ") %>% 
    strsplit(split = NULL) %>% 
    unlist %>% 
    rev %>% 
    paste(collapse = "")

> sapply(c(1, 12, 123, 1234, 12345, 123456, 123456, 1234567), addSpaceSep)
[1] "1"         "12"        "123"       "1 234"     "12 345"    "123 456"   "123 456"  
[8] "1 234 567"
> sapply(c(1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000), addSpaceSep)
[1] "1"      "10"     "100"    "1 000"  "10 000" "1e +05" "1e +06"


I feel very bad that I wrote this temporary function, but since I have not mastered regular expressions, this is the only way I have found it. And of course it won't work if the number is converted in scientific format.


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3 answers

This seems like a much better fit for a function format()

rather than a regular expression bother. Function format()

exists for formatting numbers

format(c(1, 12, 123, 1234, 12345, 123456, 123456, 1234567), big.mark=" ", trim=TRUE)
# [1] "1"         "12"        "123"       "1 234"     "12 345"    "123 456"  
# [7] "123 456"   "1 234 567"
format(c(1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000), big.mark=" ", scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE)
# [1] "1"         "10"        "100"       "1 000"     "10 000"    "100 000"  
# [7] "1 000 000"




prettyNum(x,big.mark=" ",scientific=FALSE)
[1] "100 000 000"




I agree with other answers that using other tools (for example format

) is the best approach. But if you really want to use regex and substitution, then here's an approach that works with Perl in perspective.

> test <- c(1, 12, 123, 1234, 12345, 123456, 1234567, 12345678)
> gsub('(\\d)(?=(\\d{3})+(\\D|$))', '\\1 ', 
+      as.character(test), perl=TRUE)
[1] "1"          "12"         "123"        "1 234"     
[5] "12 345"     "123 456"    "1 234 567"  "12 345 678"


Basically, it looks for a digit followed by 1 or more sets of 3 digits (not followed by a digit or the end of the line) and replaces the digit with itself plus a space (the forward part does not appear in the substitution because it is not part of the match, more match condition).



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