Node.js redis and how to use a promise when using a module

I have an Express route like this on a node server (file required):

var redis = require('../modules/redis');

module.exports = function (app) {

var redisClient = redis.init();'/auth/ticket', cors(), function (req, res) {

    var hashes = ['hash1','hash2', 'hash3'];

    var candidates = [];  // An array to collect valid hashes
    var key;  
    // to check each hash against a RedisDB I use a For Loop
    for (key in hashes) {
        var hash = hashes[key];
        console.log("Hash " + hash + "  will be proofed now:");
       //now I try to collect the valid hashes in the candidates array
       if (redisClient.exists(hash) === 1) candidates.push(hash);


Now, here is the code for my module that will manage all redis requests:

exports.init = function () {
Redis = exports.Redis = function () {
    var promiseFactory = require("q").Promise,
        redis = require('promise-redis')(promiseFactory);

    this.client = redis.createClient();
    this.client.on('error', function (err) {
        console.log('redis error – ' + + ':' + client.port + ' – ' + err);

Redis.prototype.exists = function (key) {
    this.client.exists(key, function (err, data) {
       return data === 1 ? true : false;

return new Redis();


So what I'm experiencing is that the module is able to handle the results correctly. If the hash is valid, it returns true and otherwise false. This works as expected. The problem is that the for-loop keeps executing without getting any results. I think this is due to racing conditions.

As you can see, I started to train something using Q and a promise at the top of my code:

 var promiseFactory = require("q").Promise,
    redis = require('promise-redis')(promiseFactory);

this.client = redis.createClient();


I like to know how I do my for (loop) while waiting for the results of redisClient.exists (hash) or in other words to get all the valid hashes in my candidate array.

Please, help


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3 answers

like @brad said, you can use Q.all

, this would require an array of promises, then return an array of results when all promises are complete:

there is an error in your answer:

Redis.prototype.exists = function (key) {

return this.client.exists(key)      // CHANGED, you still need to return a promise.
    .then(function (reply) {
        console.log("reply " + reply);
        return (reply);



If I understand correctly, what you want is something like

exports.init = function () {
Redis = exports.Redis = function () {
    var Q = require("q"),
        promiseFactory = Q.Promise,
        redis = require('promise-redis')(promiseFactory);

    this.client = redis.createClient();
    this.client.on('error', function (err) {
        console.log('redis error – ' + + ':' + client.port + ' – ' + err);

Redis.prototype.exists = function (key) {
    return this.client.exists(key).then(function (data) {
       return data === 1 ? true : false;

Redis.prototype.getActive = function (arry) {
    var self = this;
    return  Q.all(
                return arry.filter(function(val, idx){ return res[idx];});

return new Redis();




@ mido22: But you also admitted that I passed all the reds functions to a module file (1st Codeblock) which requires a promise-redid and creates a factory for Q. I changed the code inside the module file to

    Redis.prototype.exists = function (key) {

        .then(function (reply) {
            console.log("reply " + reply);
            return (reply);



and it looks correct as the console.log shows. Your code for the loop works very well, but I think it does not suit my needs. If I could, I would like to pipe it completely into the module file so that I can use the prototype method in cases like this all over the world. Is it possible? I can see that this will result in two supported features if I instantiate Redis Client with promises and Q inside auth / ticket / router. eg:

var Q = require('q'),
promiseFactory = Q.Promise,
redis = require("promise-redis")(promiseFactory),


and then express route (there are many routes in each file) as in your code.

Do you understand what I mean? Of course your solution would be fine for my needs, but the module allowing the job could be more elegant if possible so far.



Usage with redis, bluebird and typescript:

import { RedisClient, createClient, ClientOpts } from "redis";
import { promisifyAll, PromisifyAllOptions } from "bluebird";

export module FMC_Redis {

    export class Redis {
        opt: ClientOpts;
        private rc: RedisClient;
        private rcPromise: any;

        private static _instance: Redis = null;
        public static current(_opt?: ClientOpts): Redis {

            if (!Redis._instance) {
                Redis._instance = new Redis(_opt);
            return Redis._instance;

        public get client(): RedisClient {
            if (!this.rc.connected) throw new Error("There is no connection to Redis DB!");
            return this.rc;

        /******* BLUEBIRD ********/
        public get clientAsync(): any {
            // promisifyAll functions of redisClient 
            // creating new redis client object which contains xxxAsync(..) functions.
            return this.rcPromise = promisifyAll(this.client);

        private constructor(_opt?: ClientOpts) {
            if (Redis._instance) return;

            this.opt = _opt
                ? _opt
                : {
                    host: "",
                    port: 6379,
                    db: "0"

        public redisConnect(): void {
            this.rc = createClient(this.opt);
                .on("ready", this.onReady)
                .on("end", this.onEnd)
                .on("error", this.onError);

        private onReady(): void { console.log("Redis connection was successfully established." + arguments); }
        private onEnd(): void { console.warn("Redis connection was closed."); }
        private onError(err: any): void { console.error("There is an error: " + err); }

        /****** PROMISE *********/
        // promise redis test
        public getRegularPromise() {
            let rc = this.client;
            return new Promise(function (res, rej) {
                console.warn("> getKeyPromise() ::");
                rc.get("cem", function (err, val) {
                    console.log("DB Response OK.");
                    // if DB generated error:
                    if (err) rej(err);
                    // DB generated result:
                    else res(val);

        /******* ASYNC - AWAIT *******/
        // async - await test function
        public delay(ms) {
            return new Promise<string>((fnResolve, fnReject) => {
                setTimeout(fnResolve("> delay(" + ms + ") > successfull result"), ms);

        public async delayTest() {
            console.log("\n****** delayTest ")
            let a = this.delay(500).then(a => console.log("\t" + a));

            let b = await this.delay(400);
            console.log("\tb::: " + b);

        // async - await function
        public async getKey(key: string) {
            let reply = await this.clientAsync.getAsync("cem");
            return reply.toString();

let a = FMC_Redis.Redis.current();
// setTimeout(function () {
//     console.warn(a.client.set("cem", "naber"));
//     console.warn(a.client.get("cem"));
//     console.warn(a.client.keys("cem"));
// }, 1000);

/***** async await test client *****/

/** Standart Redis Client test client */
setTimeout(function () {
    a.client.get("cem", function (err, val) {
        console.log("\n****** Standart Redis Client")
        if (err) console.error("\tError: " + err);
        else console.log("\tValue ::" + val);
}, 100)

/***** Using regular Promise with Redis Client > test client *****/
setTimeout(function () {
    a.getRegularPromise().then(function (v) {
        console.log("\n***** Regular Promise with Redis Client")
        console.log("\t> Then ::" + v);
    }).catch(function (e) {
        console.error("\t> Catch ::" + e);
}, 100);

/***** Using bluebird promisify with Redis Client > test client *****/
setTimeout(function () {
    var header = "\n***** bluebird promisify with Redis Client";
    a.clientAsync.getAsync("cem").then(result => console.log(header + result)).catch(console.error);
}, 100);


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