GAE and GWT - using Maven instead of Google plugin for Eclipse

I am using Google Plugin for Eclipse, Google App engine and GWT to develop my applications and I am thinking about converting projects (which were created as web application projects) to Maven.

My first question is, where can I find a good tutorial? Most of the links I found were from which is now complete as I see it.

My second question is, what are the advantages / disadvantages of using Maven instead of the Google plugin for Eclipse; or in what context is one better than the other?



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1 answer

For your first question: I found a tutorial here . Here's more .

As an example, my plugin config looks like this:

                <!-- <goal>test</goal> -->
    <!-- Plugin configuration. There are many available options, see gwt-maven-plugin 
                documentation at -->
        <!-- <appEngineVersion>${gaeVersion}</appEngineVersion> -->


Regarding your second question: I am using both google plugin and maven. Maven is used for dependency management, generateAsync, i18n, and random cleanup / installation. Google plugin is used for Dev mode, compilation and deployment of GWT on App Engine. Just make sure the Maven dependencies are at the bottom of the build path (i.e. below the AppEngines from the Google Eclipse plugin).

I'm also curious where the info went, Maven Central has the latest plugin updates, so someone has to be working on it.



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