Ng-view does not load partial view in index.cshtml

I am learning angularjs and working on a single page application using ng-view. Unfortunately my partial views are not loading in my index.cshtml. Instead, they load as a separate page. Below is my code:

                <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
                <div ng-app="employeeInfoApp" ng-controller="employeeCtl">
                    <div class="col-sm-4">
                        <!--Example of a Dropdown List-->
                        <select ng-model="employeeinfo.EmpName" ng-options="employeeinfo.EmpName for employeeinfo in EmployeeInfoes">
                            <option value="">-- Please Select A Client Company --</option>
                        <!-- Example of Table of Data-->
                                    <th>Emp Name</th>
                                    <th>Dept Name</th>
                                <tr data-ng-repeat="emp in EmployeeInfoes">
                        <a href="addemp">Add Employee</a>
                        <div ng-view class="container"></div>

            <script src="~/Scripts/angular.js"></script>
            <script src="~/Scripts/angular-resource.js"></script>
            <script src="~/Scripts/angular-route.js"></script>
            <script src="~/Scripts/LegalScripts/legalServices.js"></script>


                //Name the module
                var app = angular.module('employeeInfoApp', ['ngResource', 'legalServices', 'ngRoute']);

                app.config(['$routeProvider', function ($routeProvider) {
                        when('/addemp', {
                            templateUrl: 'AddEmp.cshtml',
                            controller: 'EmployeeInfoController'         
                            redirectTo: '/home'

                //Add the controller
                app.controller("employeeCtl", ["$scope", "EmployeeInfo", function ($scope, EmployeeInfo) {

                    $scope.EmployeeInfoes = EmployeeInfo.query();

                    $scope.SelectedEmployeeInfo = {};





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2 answers

You cannot load the file .cshtml

directly from your path that you need to load from an MVC controller action as it contains a razor to be parsed using the MVC Razor view engine, also assume you have a controller Employee

that will contain an action AddEmp

that indirectly indirectly takes the form usingc#


  when('/addemp', {
        templateUrl: 'Employee/AddEmp', //you need to call controller action
        controller: 'EmployeeInfoController'         




The problem is I was using Angular 1.4 (which automatically installs the nuget package manager for Visual Studio.)

Angular 1.4's routing has been changed to use multiple views (and components), but the old ng-view directive won't work. See This Introduction to Routing in 1.4

My quick solution was to load the Angular 1.3 scripting library into my project. Then my partial views worked fine.



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