Slick table does not accept type parameter

I am playing with slick 3.0.0 new DBIO api but I am having problems with generics.

With this code:

import scala.concurrent._

import slick.driver.MySQLDriver.api._
import slick.lifted.AbstractTable

object Crud {

  def fetchById[T: AbstractTable[R], R](db: Database, table: TableQuery[T], id: Int, rowId: T => Rep[Int]): Future[Option[T]] = {
    val fetchByIdQuery: Query[T, R, Seq] = table.filter(row => rowId(row) === id)


The compiler says that AbstractTable does not take any type parameters. I don't understand this with the declaration as shown here .

slick.lifted.AbstractTable[R] does not take type parameters
def fetchById[T: AbstractTable[R], R](db: Database, table: TableQuery[T], id: Int, rowId: T => Rep[Int]): Future[Option[T]] = {


I suspect this is also the cause of this error.

type mismatch;
 found   : slick.lifted.Query[T,T#TableElementType,Seq]
 required: slick.driver.MySQLDriver.api.Query[T,R,Seq]
    (which expands to)  slick.lifted.Query[T,R,Seq]
    val fetchByIdQuery: Query[T, R, Seq] = table.filter(row => rowId(row) === id)


Any advice?


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1 answer

Try it like this.

T <: AbstractTable[R]  // instead of T : AbstractTable[R]


to make it look below

Object Crud {
def fetchById[T <: AbstractTable[R], R](db: Database, table: TableQuery[T], id: Int, rowId: T => Rep[Int])
 : Future[Option[T#TableElementType]] =  {
  val fetchByIdQuery = table.filter(row => rowId(row) === id)




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