In Yesod / Haskell, how to use data from IO with variable interpolation functionality?

How can I take values ​​from the I / O monad and interpolate them into a Yesod widget?

For example, I want to interpolate the contents of a file in a tree:

(readFile "test.txt") >>= \x -> toWidget $ [hamlet| <p> text: #{x} |]


or equivalently:

contents <- (readFile "test.txt")
toWidget $ [hamlet| <h2> foo #{contents} |]


There is something basic, I don't understand how interpolation interacts with IO since none of these type checks are:

Couldn't match type ‘IO’ with ‘WidgetT App IO’ …
    Expected type: WidgetT App IO String
      Actual type: IO String


These errors occur in the getHomeR route function.

If I try to do something like this in GHCi with a predefined function, I get another error. In the source file, I have a function:

makeContent body =
        <h2> foo
        <div> #{body}


in GHCi:

(readFile "test.txt") >>= \x -> makeContent x


And I get an error because of insufficient arguments (I guess it is because of some kind of templating magic that I don't understand yet):

    Couldn't match expected type ‘IO b’
                with actual type ‘t0 -> Text.Blaze.Internal.MarkupM ()’
    Relevant bindings include it :: IO b (bound at <interactive>:139:1)
    Probable cause: ‘makeContent’ is applied to too few arguments



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1 answer

When working with monad transformers, to convert from some monad m

to a transformer t m

, you must use the function lift


lift :: (MonadTrans t, Monad m) => m a -> t m a


This is actually a method for defining a class MonadTrans

, so the implementation is transformer specific t


If you want to do things IO

inside a transformer, you will need to define an instance for MonadIO

which has a method liftIO


liftIO :: (MonadIO m) => IO a -> m a


the instance MonadIO

does not have to be a transformer, although it IO

is an instance where liftIO = id

. These two functions are for you to "pull" actions on the transformer stack, for each level in the stack you would call once lift

or liftIO


In your case, you have a stack WidgetT App IO

, with a transformer WidgetT App

and a base monad IO

, so you only need one call liftIO

to pull an action IO

to be an action in a monad WidgetT App IO

. So you would just do

liftIO (readFile "test.txt") >>= \x -> makeContent x


Many developers (myself included) find a liftIO

bit of a burden to type when you have a lot of actions IO

, so it's not uncommon to see something like

io :: MonadIO io => IO a -> io a
io = liftIO

putStrLnIO :: MonadIO io => String -> io ()
putStrLnIO = io . putStrLn

printIO :: (MonadIO io, Show a) => a -> io ()
printIO = io . print

readFileIO :: MonadIO io => FilePath -> io String
readFileIO = io . readFile


Etc. If you find yourself using a lot in your code liftIO

, it can help reduce the number of characters you have to enter.



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