Dynamically generated html import inside polymer element (version 1.0)

Dynamically generated html import inside polymer element

Does anyone know how to dynamically add html imports to a polymeric element (version 1.0)?

The code below doesn't work and complains that .. HTML element <link> is ignored in shadow tree.

Does anyone know about this or know a better way?

<!-- here is where the created import could go -->

<dom-module id="my-component">

<!-- here is where I'd ideally like the import to be created -->

    <div id="container">

      <!--This is where my dynamically loaded element should be placed-->


      attached: function(){

        var importElem = document.createElement('link');
        importElem.rel = 'import';
        importElem.href = '/components/my-dynamic-sub-component.html';
        var app = document.createElement('my-dynamic-sub-component');





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2 answers

Polymer 1.0 has a utility function importHref(href, onLoad, onError)

on every Polymer component. To import and add your outer element dynamically, you can use this code:

this.importHref('path/to/page.html', function(e) {
  // e.target.import is the import document.
  var newElement = document.createElement('new-element');
  newElement.myProperty = 'foo';

}, function(e) {
  // loading error




I'm not sure if you can dynamically add HTML imports and make it work inside another element, but you need to use the Polymer API. See here .

Something like that:

  attached: function(){

    //create element and add it to this 
    var importElem = document.createElement('link');
    importElem.rel = 'import';
    importElem.href = '/components/my-dynamic-sub-component.html';
    var app = document.createElement('component-controler');




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