Autocomplete search using link

So, I create a school management system on the "Students" page. I'm looking for an autocomplete system that returns a link that will link to another page.

But you have to look at the student table to get the id for the page, so what is its viewrecord.php? id = then id of the student as well as the student name for the autocomplete system, as can be done with mysqli

I tried earlier, this is it without sql selection, it didn't work with links:

<input type="text" name="srch" id="srch" list="datalist1">
<datalist id="datalist1">
  <option value="Canada">
  <option value="China">
  <option value="Mexico">
  <option value="United Kingdom">
  <option value="United States of America">
  <option value="Uruguay">


something like this ^^^

The students table is below
id bigint(20), Auto Incrememnt And Primary
first_name varchar(255)
last_name varchar(255)
room varchar(255)
dob varchar(255)
And Finally 
email varchar(255)



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1 answer

You may have such a workaround

Step 1:

Receive input in textbox and enter jquery which triggers keyup function

//your ajax call here


Step 2.

Inside the function, there is an ajax call to another file that asks for your input

type: "POST",
url: "search.php",
data: dataString,
cache: false,
success: function(html)
//your action


Step 3:

In success, you can replace the result inside a div next to your search



Step 4:

Internally, search.php

you can get the input and query for the table and result, and build a hyperlink that suits your needs.

ie, user.php?id=xyz

So that you can easily go to this page

Which code would have something like

<a href="user.php?id=<?php echo $row['id']?>"><span class="name"><?php echo $username; ?></span>


Here is the source code and here is a demo I created a demo that suits your needs just for you;)



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