Tablet Not Picking Up Images in xxxhdpi folder

I have provided alternate sizes for all my hdpi, xxhdpi, etc. icons. I was hoping the tablet would pick up the larger icons in / res / drawables / xxhdpi, but that was not the case, both phone and tablet collect icons from res / drawables / hdpi

How can I render my tablets or any size outside of sw-dp600dp and swdp820dp to get images in res / drawable / xxhdpi?

I created a folder / res / drawables -sw600dp and put some icons in there, but they weren't brought up.

Any help would be appreciated


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1 answer

A tablet, like a phone, will receive images based on value dpi

, so if a tablet hdpi

, it won't use xxhdpi

images. This is the exact behavior that you are seeing.

To use larger images on a tablet, you need to provide folders named



You can also add dpi

to such accessible folders like



The folder name drawables-sw600dp

is incorrect, you have drawables

instead drawable




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