Disabling html button with JavaScript will not POST

I have this Javascript and HTML for my button:

function lockoutSubmit(button) {
  var oldValue = button.value;

  button.setAttribute('disabled', true);
  button.value = '...processing...';

    button.value = oldValue;
  }, 3000)

<button style="margin-right:-160px;" type="submit" name="gen" onclick="lockoutSubmit(this)" class="btn btn-danger btn-block">Generate account!</button>

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This code works fine for disabling a button for 3 seconds, but the button is no longer sent to "gen".


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1 answer

Change innerHTML instead of value and bind parameters to the setting instead of relying on context.

Also the value of the button may not be what you think: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_button_value.asp

            function _Unlock(){
                var tB = document.getElementById('gen');
                tB.innerHTML = 'Generate account!';

                localStorage.setItem('Lock', 0);

            function Unlock(){
                var tS = localStorage.getItem('Lock');

                if (tS != '1') _Unlock()
                    setTimeout(function(e, v){
                    }, 3000)

            function setToLock(){
                localStorage.setItem('Lock', 1);

    <body onload = 'Unlock()'>
        <!-- Do you have a form and is it setup correctly? -->
        <form action = '' method = 'post' id = 'myForm' onsubmit = 'setToLock()'>
            <button id = 'gen' type = 'submit' name = 'gen' disabled = 'disabled'>...processing...</button>




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