Overriding laravel 5 dependencies

I have RequestInterface.php

like this:

namespace App\Http\Requests;

interface RequestInterface {



and an abstract class Request.php


<?php namespace App\Http\Requests;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;

abstract class Request extends FormRequest implements RequestInterface {



and I have PagesRequest.php

one that extends from Request.php


<?php namespace App\Http\Requests;

use App\Helpers\Helpers;

class PageRequest extends Request implements RequestInterface  {


In the controller, I have to inject the PageRquest method and override the edit()

class CrudController

and test the injection in another class like this:


protected function update( $id, PageRequest $request){
    parent::update( $request, $id);


and the file I have to check the nested class to have the RequestInterface:

   protected function update($id, RequestInterface $request)


But I have this error

Application declaration \ Http \ Controllers \ PagesController :: update () must be compatible with App \ Http \ Controllers \ MasterController \ CrudController :: Update ($ ID, Application \ Http \ Requests \ RequestInterface $ request)

The parent class Request

implements RequestInterface

and PageRequest

extended with Request

, so it PageRequest

has an interface RequestInterface

, but I am getting this error.


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1 answer

You have replaced the arguments of the update method. The method in the parent class expects a $ request object in the second argument slot - you pass it to the first when you call it from a subclass.



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