How do I add a javascript file to the body from a javascript file that is in the same directory. Java server has 2 JSF2

I have a file test.js

, it has an initialization function window.onload = function initiliaze() { ... }

that gets called whenever a window is created.

I would like to include another javascript file "d3.min.js", which is in the same directory as the file test.js

, in the HTML body when called initiliaze()


This is how I include my javascript file in the HTML body from the same directory:

var js = document.createElement("script");

js.type = "text/javascript";
js.src = "./d3.min.js";



however I still cannot name the functions d3.min.js

, Firebug shows that d3 is not loaded.


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1 answer

As adeneo suggested, I removed the include script code from the init function and pasted this in the * .jspx header instead (I am using Java server faces):

<script type="text/javascript" src="#{facesContext.externalContext.requestContextPath}/resources/script/d3.min.js"/>


Thanks to Halcyon, adeneo, Explore-X, Morten helped me.



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