Make browser delete specific history states

I have an ajax driven website where I have two types of pages displayed to the user. For simplicity, call them MAINPAGE s and SUBPAGE . MAINPAGE contains information, and SUBPAGE is all the forms in which the user can add or modify existing MAINPAGE information .

If my site is visited by a user with an HTML5 compatible browser, I use HistoryJS to update the URL when they visit my site. Let the following example be given:

A user entered my site and went to the following pages in the following order, and his story looks something like this:


When the user fills out the form on SUBPAGE (2) , I want to redirect him directly to the last MAINPAGE he visited. For example, when a user fills out a form, I would like the user story to be like this:


Visually, I can achieve this, everything works correctly, but then, in the HTML5 browser, if I click the native button in the browser, the page tries to revert to SUBPAGE (1) , the correct state back from the original history.

Is it achievable to remove some of the history states, and if so how can I do this?

Here is the code I am using so far:

ConverserNavigation.prototype.getPreviousMainAction = function() {
 // NOTE: the code that deals with non HTML5 compatible browsers, 
 // was removed because everything works fine there
 var startFrom, found=false;

 if (this.HistoryJS.status==true) startFrom=History.getState();    
 // if browser is HTML5 compatible, get the current state from History object, 
 // which is a HistoryJS object

 while ((!found) && (startFrom>0)) // find the last MAINPAGE visited by user
     if (this.historyData[startFrom] != 'quickactions') found=true;   

 if (this.HistoryJS.status==true) History.replaceState({id:startFrom}, this.historyData[startFrom].urlData.title, this.historyData[startFrom].urlData.url);
 // replace the current history state, with the one to where we want to revert

 this.back(); // render the ui to navigate back to the previous page, works as intended
 for (var i=this.currentNavigationId;i<this.historyData.length;i++) delete this.historyData[i]; // delete the unused history data




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1 answer

I managed to solve this problem by changing the code as follows:

Replaced this line:

if (this.HistoryJS.status==true) History.replaceState({id:startFrom}, this.historyData[startFrom].urlData.title, this.historyData[startFrom].urlData.url);


with this:

if (this.HistoryJS.status==true) {
    History.go(goBack); //goBack is the number of states I have to backtrack
    this.HistoryJS.manualStateChange=false; // telling the browser to not fire my own UI updating functions
    History.back(); // navigating one more state back in the History object
    History.pushState({id:startFrom}, this.historyData[startFrom].urlData.title, this.historyData[startFrom].urlData.url); // recreating the original state in the History.
    this.HistoryJS.manualStateChange=true; // restarting the UI update functions on pop or push events




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