Overriding CSS Reset with Generic Selector

I have a reset (Eric Meyer Reset) that sets the font and then load my stylesheet on top of that, in which I want to set the font globally using the universal selector

But although in my SASS the universal selector is loaded after reset, reset takes precedence. (See attached screenshot from devtools)

I know this is specific, but I thought the universal selector would act like a template. Why is this?

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1 answer

The universal selector * has no specificity value. Essentially, anything and everything takes precedence over it.

Via MDN:

The following list of selector types is an increase in specificity:

Universal selectors (like *)

Type selectors (e.g. h1)

Class selectors (like example)

Selector attributes (eg [type = "radio"])

Pseudo-classes (e.g.: hover)

Selector ID (e.g. # example)

Inline style (for example, style = "font-weight: bold")

and of course importantly redefines all of the above, but it also doesn't matter for specificity.

A good source of more information can be found here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Specificity



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