HQL to find out if a value is in a joined table

I have 2 entity tables (script and tag) and a join table representing many to many relationship. Using the script as the base table, I created an sql statement that allows me to see if a tag is part of a set of tags associated with a single script, and outputs all scripts that have that tag:

select count(*)
from scenarios
where scenarios.id not in (
    select tag_to_scenarios.scenarioid
    from tag_to_scenarios
    join tags ON tags.id = tag_to_scenarios.tagid
    where (
            select concat(group_concat(tags.tagname), ',') as tag_list
            from scenarios as sub_scenarios
            left outer join tag_to_scenarios ON tag_to_scenarios.scenarioid = sub_scenarios.id
            join tags ON tags.id = tag_to_scenarios.tagid
            where scenarios.id = sub_scenarios.id
            group by scenarios.id
            having (position('@regression,' in tag_list) = 0))


Here are the relevant parts of the model used:

public class Tag {

private int id;

public void setId(int id) {
    this.id = id;

public int getId() {
    return id;

@Column(name = "tagname")
private String tagName;

public void setTagName(String tagName) {
    this.tagName = tagName;

public String getTagName() {
    return tagName;




@Table (name = "Scripts") public class Script {

private int id;

public int getId() {
    return this.id;

public void setId(int id) {
    this.id = id;
@ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
@JoinTable(name = "tag_to_scenarios",
    joinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name = "scenarioid", nullable = false, updatable = false)},
    inverseJoinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name = "tagid", nullable = false, updatable = false)},
    uniqueConstraints = @UniqueConstraint(name = "scenarioid", columnNames = {"tagid"})
private Set<Tag> tags = new HashSet<Tag>(0);

public Set<Tag>  getTags() {
    return this.tags;

public void setTags(Set<Tag> tags) {
    this.tags = tags;


I need to convert this SQL statement to HQL since I don't have a join table in my model.


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2 answers

The following HQL can help you with this:

  SELECT s from Scenario s
    JOIN s.tags t 
   WHERE t.name = :tag 
  HAVING count(t) = 1


Credits from the following site:




To be honest, I didn't understand your SQL query, but if all you want to do is get scripts with a given flag, then the following HQL query will suffice:

SELECT s.id FROM Scenario s JOIN tags t WHERE t.tagName = :tagName




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