Preg_Replace not working on french character - PHP

I've been looking for a while, so hopefully this isn't a question that's been asked many times already.

I am trying to execute a php program a script that will remove stop words from a string and then explode into an array of words. Stop words can be in English or French.

Currently, the following doesn't work for me, since it doesn't remove French characters:

'/\b'. htmlentities('à') .'\b/i'

$result=preg_replace($needles, "", htmlentities("il y à trois personne dans la salle à manger"));


Exit removes everything but not the French character: à


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1 answer

As noted in the comments, htmlentities('à')

will provide you with [3] => /\bà\b/i

. It will not match your letter .

Use the à

c flag instead u

to include Unicode in the template:



Watch the demo

demo IDEONE :


$result=preg_replace($needles, "", "il y à trois personne dans la salle à manger");



y  trois personne dans  salle  manger




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