What's the best way to implement a computed column?

I am using entity framework 6 and the first database approach to build a project,
Let's assume these 2 tables:

id | taskName | taskPrice
1  | Making UI| 100
2  | Debugging| 70


and the second table:

id | Name | spentHours| taskId | *totalPrice*
1  | Iman | 10        |  2     |  (10 * 70) = 700
2  | Sam  |  5        |  1     |  (5 * 100) = 500 


I need to make the totalPrice value available for use across all sections of my project, so it's best not to calculate it for every use.
To achieve this, I came up with these three solutions: 1- I could highlight the totalPrice column and update its value, which in my opinion is not the most optimized way, because if the taskPrice changes I would need to recalculate and update the totalPrice values.

The second method is to use a stored procedure.

3-, and the third is with a trigger.

Which method is the most optimized in terms of computation, overhead and time?
If there is any other way to do this, please let me know.


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1 answer

You can have a computed column in DDL. CREATE TABLE tablname (id int, name varchar (20) spent hours int, taskid int, fn_totalprice (spent hours, id) as totalprcie)

The function can be created function fn_totalprice hours worked int, id int IN LINE (SELECT (e.spenthours * t.taskprice) as totalprice From employees e internal tasks of the union t to e. @Id = t.id return totalprice)



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