Positioning a triangle using Javascript, CSS and HTML (other techniques are appreciated)

I am trying to imagine a card game with 20 triangles that can be placed in different ways. Each triangle has 3 sides, each side has one analog in the remaining 19 triangles. Only if the sides match can they be brought together.

enter image description here

the code that randomly generates possibilities is the following: (I am also happy with the improvement of the code, which I am sure is a lot


function Game() {
    this.cardsUnused = [];
    this.cardsUsed = [];
    this.possibleCards = [];
    this.insert = function (obj) {
    this.useCard = function (obj) { // adds a triangle to the usedCards Array and removes it from the UnusedCards Array
        this.possibleCards.remove(obj);// t (array.prototype.remove)
    this.unuseCard = function (obj) { 

// remove function
Array.prototype.remove = function () {
    var what, a = arguments, L = a.length, ax;
    while (L && this.length) {
        what = a[--L];
        while ((ax = this.indexOf(what)) !== -1) {
            this.splice(ax, 1);
    return this;

var game = new Game();

// Triangle wird erstellt
function Triangle(name, sideA, sideB, sideC, Direction, position) {
    this.partName = name;
    this.sides = [sideA, sideB, sideC];
    this.sidesStatus = [0, 0, 0];
    this.sideDirection = Direction;
    this.stepUsed = 0;
    this.angle = 0;
    this.cardPosition = position;
    this.turn = function (winkel) {
        this.angle = this.angle + winkel;
    this.useSide = function (side) {
        this.sidesStatus[side] = 1;

var a = new Triangle("A", 1, 2, 21, 0, [0, 0]);
var b = new Triangle("B", 2, 3, 22, 0, [0, 0]);
var c = new Triangle("C", 3, 4, 23, 0, [0, 0]);
var d = new Triangle("D", 4, 5, 24, 0, [0, 0]);
var e = new Triangle("E", 5, 1, 25, 0, [0, 0]);
var f = new Triangle("F", 6, 21, 7, 180, [0, 0]);
var g = new Triangle("G", 7, 8, 26, 0, [0, 0]);
var h = new Triangle("H", 8, 22, 9, 180, [0, 0]);
var i = new Triangle("I", 9, 10, 27, 0, [0, 0]);
var j = new Triangle("J", 10, 23, 11, 180, [0, 0]);
var k = new Triangle("K", 11, 12, 28, 0, [0, 0]);
var l = new Triangle("L", 12, 24, 13, 180, [0, 0]);
var m = new Triangle("M", 13, 14, 29, 0, [0, 0]);
var n = new Triangle("N", 14, 25, 15, 180, [0, 0]);
var o = new Triangle("O", 15,  6, 30, 0, [0, 0]);
var p = new Triangle("P", 16, 26, 17, 180, [0, 0]);
var q = new Triangle("Q", 17, 27, 18, 180, [0, 0]);
var r = new Triangle("R", 18, 28, 19, 180, [0, 0]);
var s = new Triangle("S", 19, 29, 20, 180, [0, 0]);
var t = new Triangle("T", 20, 30, 16, 180, [0, 0]);

// an array with 20 triangles 
var triangles = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t];

// function to add triangles to the game
function addTriangles(arr) {
    var x;
    for (x = 0; x < arr.length; x += 1) {



function toRadians (angle) {
  return angle * (Math.PI / 180);

function findRandomCardPossibleToUsedCards() {
    var isTrue = 0, randomIndexUsedCard, randomIndexUsedSide, randomIndexUnusedCard, randomIndexUnusedSide, position;
    while (isTrue === 0) {
        randomIndexUsedCard = Math.floor(Math.random() * game.cardsUsed.length);
        randomIndexUsedSide = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
        randomIndexUnusedCard = Math.floor(Math.random() * game.cardsUnused.length);
        randomIndexUnusedSide = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
        if (typeof game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard] === 'undefined') {
            document.getElementById("button").innerHTML = "stopped";
        // position = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].cardPosition;

        if (game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sidesStatus[randomIndexUsedSide] !== 1 && game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sidesStatus[randomIndexUnusedSide] !== 1) {
            if (game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sides[randomIndexUsedSide] === game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sides[randomIndexUnusedSide]) {
                isTrue = 1;

                // the main problem I am having lies withing the next three " if -parts" and the translation into the css/html to depict the triangles in the correct way

                if (randomIndexUsedSide === 0) {

                    game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sideDirection + 60;

                    game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[0] = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].cardPosition[0] - 100 * Math.sin(toRadians(game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sideDirection + 90));
                    game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[1] = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].cardPosition[1] + 86 * Math.cos(toRadians(game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sideDirection - 90));

                if (randomIndexUsedSide === 1) {
                    game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sideDirection - 60;

                    game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[0] = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].cardPosition[0] - 100 * Math.sin(toRadians(game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sideDirection -90));
                    game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[1] = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].cardPosition[1] + 86 * Math.cos(toRadians(game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sideDirection + 90));

                if (randomIndexUsedSide === 2) {
                    game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection =  game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sideDirection + 180;

                    game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[0] = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].cardPosition[0] + 100 * Math.sin(toRadians(game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sideDirection - 180));
                    game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[1] = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].cardPosition[1] - 86 * Math.cos(toRadians(game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sideDirection - 180));


                game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sidesStatus[randomIndexUsedSide] = 1;
                game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sidesStatus[randomIndexUnusedSide] = 1;

                var elem = document.getElementById(game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].partName);// STYLE

                var elemInner  = elem.getElementsByTagName('div');

                for (i = 0; i < elemInner.length; i++) {
                    elemInner = elemInner[i];

                elem.className = elem.className + " used"; // STYLE

                //elemInner.style.transform = "rotate(" + game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection + "deg)" ;
                elem.style.transform = 
                "translate(" + game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[0] + 
                "px," + game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[1] + 
                "px)"  +" rotate(" + game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection + "deg)"  ;

                var elemA = document.getElementById(a.partName);// STYLE
                elemA.className = elemA.className + " used"; // STYLE






 #game {
    width: 1000px;
    margin-top: 300px;
.triangle {
    display: none;
    position: absolute;

    width: 100px;
    line-height: 100px;
    text-align: center;
    visibility: hidden;
.up {
    background-image: url(imgs/tri_up_red.png);


.down {
    background-image: url(imgs/tri_up_red.png);

.used {
    display: inline-block;


.hidden {
    visibility: hidden;

.inner {
    width: 100px;
    height: 87px;
    margin-top: 6.5px;
    margin-bottom: 6.5px;




        <link href="design.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
        <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="game.js"></script>
    <body><div id="button">
        <button  onclick="findRandomCardPossibleToUsedCards()">add Triangle</button>
        <div id="game" class="game">

        <div id="A" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner up"><span>A</span></div>

        <div id="B" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner up"><span>B</span></div>

        <div id="C" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner up"><span>C</span></div>

        <div id="D" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner up"><span>D</span></div>

        <div id="E" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner up"><span>E</span></div>

        <div id="F" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner down"><span>F</span></div>

        <div id="G" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner up"><span>G</span></div>

        <div id="H" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner down"><span>H</span></div>

        <div id="I" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner up"><span>I</span></div>

        <div id="J" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner down"><span>J</span></div>

        <div id="K" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner up"><span>K</span></div>

        <div id="L" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner down"><span>L</span></div>

        <div id="M" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner up"><span>M</span></div>

        <div id="N" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner down"><span>N</span></div>

        <div id="O" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner up"><span>O</span></div>

        <div id="P" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner down"><span>P</span></div>

        <div id="Q" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner down"><span>Q</span></div>

        <div id="R" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner down"><span>R</span></div>

        <div id="S" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner down"><span>S</span></div>

        <div id="T" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner down"><span>T</span></div>




The code for getting the possible combinations works fine for me. As I said, suggestions for improvement are welcome. My real problem is visualization. In html all divs are squares and, and rotating and translating theses of squares / triangles is giving me headaches. Correct rotations work, and I think I am going the right way using the sine and cosine function to determine the translation on the x and y axis. But somehow I got stuck. I am not asking anyone to resolve this for me, but maybe someone can show me a different approach or point out where I was wrong.


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2 answers

I create triangles for you with content inside:

I inspired: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/css-triangle/


I am creating a triangle that you can move because the outer div is the point in the center of the triangle. And it's easy for you to calculate the coordinates.

I am creating a new example:


And this with the code http://codepen.io/luarmr/pen/MwmjqX you can click on the triangles.


<div class="card">
  <span class="value">test</span>



 transition: all 2s;

    width: 0; 
    height: 0; 
    border-left: 50px solid transparent;
    border-right: 50px solid transparent;
    border-bottom: 90px solid #ebebeb;

  transition: all 2s;


    transform: rotate(180deg);

.card .value{




found a solution that works for me:

positioning hard triangles, which I solved by using a different square pattern of turned triangles instead of rotating triangles and making it harder to work with x and y coordinates and div centers. from there on it was a piece of cake.


function Game() {
    this.cardsUnused = [];
    this.cardsUsed = [];
    this.insert = function (obj) {
    this.useCard = function (obj) { // fügt ein Triangle dem Benutzen Stapel hinzu und entfernt sie vom unbenutzen Stapel
    this.unuseCard = function (obj) { // fügt ein Triangle dem unbenutzebn Stapel hinzu und entfernt sie vom benutzen Stapel
        this.cardsUsed.remove(obj);  // remove Funktion weiter unten definiert (array.prototype.remove)

Array.prototype.remove = function () {
    var what, a = arguments, L = a.length, ax;
    while (L && this.length) {
        what = a[--L];
        while ((ax = this.indexOf(what)) !== -1) {
            this.splice(ax, 1);
    return this;

var game = new Game();

// Triangle wird erstellt
function Triangle(name, sideA, sideB, sideC, directionSide, position) {
    this.partName = name;
    this.sides = [sideA, sideB, sideC];
    this.sidesStatus = [0, 0, 0];
    this.sideDirection = directionSide;
    this.stepUsed = 0;
    this.angle = 0;
    this.cardPosition = position;
    this.useSide = function (side) {
        this.sidesStatus[side] = 1;
    // creating 20 triangles
var a = new Triangle("A", 1, 21, 2, [60, 180, 300], [0, 0]);
var b = new Triangle("B", 2, 22, 3, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0]);
var c = new Triangle("C", 3, 23, 4, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0]);
var d = new Triangle("D", 4, 24, 5, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0]);
var e = new Triangle("E", 5, 25, 1, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0]);
var f = new Triangle("F", 6, 7, 21, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0]);
var g = new Triangle("G", 7, 26, 8, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0]);
var h = new Triangle("H", 8, 9, 22, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0]);
var i = new Triangle("I", 9, 27, 10, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0]);
var j = new Triangle("J", 10, 11, 23, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0]);
var k = new Triangle("K", 11, 28, 12, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0]);
var l = new Triangle("L", 12, 13, 24, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0]);
var m = new Triangle("M", 13, 29, 14, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0]);
var n = new Triangle("N", 14, 15, 25, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0]);
var o = new Triangle("O", 15,  30, 6, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0]);
var p = new Triangle("P", 16, 17, 26, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0]);
var q = new Triangle("Q", 17, 18, 27, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0]);
var r = new Triangle("R", 18, 19, 28, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0]);
var s = new Triangle("S", 19, 20, 29, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0]);
var t = new Triangle("T", 20, 16, 30, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0]);

    // creates an array with all triangles
var triangles = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t];

    // function to add triangles to game
function addTriangles(arr) {
    var x;
    for (x = 0; x < arr.length; x += 1) {
    // adding the triangles

    ///// Game built up

var v = 0;

var randomIndexUsedCard, randomIndexUsedSide, randomIndexUnusedCard, randomIndexUnusedSide;
    // Helper function
function toRadians(angle) {
    return angle * (Math.PI / 180);

game.useCard(a); // lay down first triangle

    // main function that runs on click on button / max  19 times 
function findRandomCardPossibleToUsedCards2() {
    for (v = 0; v < 19; v = v + 1) {

        var isTrue = 0;
        while (isTrue === 0) { // runs as long as no random possible card is found
            randomIndexUsedCard = Math.floor(Math.random() * game.cardsUsed.length); // chooses a random triangle from triangles already used ( first time only a) 
            randomIndexUsedSide = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); // chooses a random side of the randomly chosen triangle
            randomIndexUnusedCard = Math.floor(Math.random() * game.cardsUnused.length); // chooses a random triangle from the unused triangles
            randomIndexUnusedSide = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); // and also a random side from the chosen unused triangle
            if (typeof game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard] === 'undefined') { // hides button to choose triangle when all cards have been used
                document.getElementById("button").innerHTML = "fertig";

            if (game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sidesStatus[randomIndexUsedSide] !== 1 && game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sidesStatus[randomIndexUnusedSide] !== 1) {
                if (game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sides[randomIndexUsedSide] === game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sides[randomIndexUnusedSide]) {
                    isTrue = 1;

                    for ( var x = 0; x < 3; x = x +1) {
                    if (randomIndexUsedSide === x) {

                        if (game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sideDirection[x] === 0) {
                            game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[0] = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].cardPosition[0];
                            game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[1] = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].cardPosition[1] - 87;
                        if (game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sideDirection[x] === 60) {
                            game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[0] = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].cardPosition[0] - 50;
                            game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[1] = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].cardPosition[1];
                        if (game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sideDirection[x] === 120) {
                            game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[0] = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].cardPosition[0] - 50;
                            game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[1] = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].cardPosition[1];
                        if (game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sideDirection[x] === 180) {
                            game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[0] = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].cardPosition[0];
                            game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[1] = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].cardPosition[1] + 87;
                        if (game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sideDirection[x] === 240) {
                            game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[0] = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].cardPosition[0] + 50;
                            game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[1] = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].cardPosition[1];
                        if (game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sideDirection[x] === 300) {
                            game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[0] = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].cardPosition[0] + 50;
                            game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[1] = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].cardPosition[1];
                        if (game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sideDirection[x] === 360) {
                            game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[0] = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].cardPosition[0];
                            game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[1] = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].cardPosition[1] - 87;

                    for (u = 0; u < game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection.length; u = u + 1) {
                        if (game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[u] >= 360) {
                            game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[u] = game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[u] - 360;
                        if (game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[u] < 0) {
                            game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[u] = game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[u] + 360;

                    game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[randomIndexUnusedSide] = game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sideDirection[randomIndexUsedSide] + 180;

                    if (game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[0] === game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[randomIndexUnusedSide]) {
                        game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[1] = game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[0] + 120;
                        game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[2] = game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[0] - 120;

                    if (game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[1] === game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[randomIndexUnusedSide]) {
                        game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[2] = game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[1] + 120;
                        game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[0] = game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[1] - 120;
                    if (game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[2] === game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[randomIndexUnusedSide]) {
                        game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[0] = game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[2] + 120;
                        game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[1] = game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[2] - 120;

                    for (w = 0; w < 3; w = w + 1) {
                        if (game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[w] >= 360) {
                            game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[w] = game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[w] - 360;
                        if (game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[w] < 0) {
                            game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[w] = game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[w] + 360;

                    game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].sidesStatus[randomIndexUsedSide] = 1;
                    game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sidesStatus[randomIndexUnusedSide] = 1;

                    // STYLE STYLE 
                    var elem = document.getElementById(game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].partName);
                    var elemUsed = document.getElementById(game.cardsUsed[randomIndexUsedCard].partName);
                    var elemInner  = elem.getElementsByTagName('div');

                    for (y = 0; y < elemInner.length; y = y + 1) {
                        elemInner = elemInner[y];

                    elem.className = elem.className + " used"; // STYLE

                    elemInner.style.backgroundImage = "url(imgs/tri" + game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].partName + (game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection[0]) + ".png)";
                    console.log(game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].partName + (game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection));
                    // elemInner.style.transform = "rotate(" + game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection + "deg)" ;
                    elem.style.transform =
                        "translate(" + Math.floor(game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[0]) +
                        "px," + Math.floor(game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].cardPosition[1]) +
                        "px)"; // + " rotate(" + game.cardsUnused[randomIndexUnusedCard].sideDirection + "deg)"   ;

                    var elemA = document.getElementById(a.partName);
                    elemA.className = elemA.className + " used"; 




        <link href="design.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
        <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="game.js"></script>
    <body><div id="button">
        <button  onclick="findRandomCardPossibleToUsedCards2()">add Triangle</button>
        <div id="game" class="game">

        <div id="A" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner up"></div>

        <div id="B" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner up"></div>

        <div id="C" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner up"></div>

        <div id="D" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner up"></div>

        <div id="E" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner up"></div>

        <div id="F" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner down"></div>

        <div id="G" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner up"></div>

        <div id="H" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner down"></div>

        <div id="I" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner up"></div>

        <div id="J" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner down"></div>

        <div id="K" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner up"></div>

        <div id="L" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner down"></div>

        <div id="M" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner up"></div>

        <div id="N" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner down"></div>

        <div id="O" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner up"></div>

        <div id="P" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner down"></div>

        <div id="Q" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner down"></div>

        <div id="R" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner down"></div>

        <div id="S" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner down"></div>

        <div id="T" class="triangle">
            <div class="inner down"></div>





#game {
    postion: relative;
    width: 1000px;
    margin-top: 300px;
.triangle {
    display: none;
    position: absolute; 
    width: 100px;
    overflow: hidden;
    visibility: hidden;

.used {
    display: inline-block;


.hidden {
    visibility: hidden;

.inner {
    position: relative;
    width: 100px !important;
    height:87px !important;
    background-repeat: no-repeat; 
    background-position: top;
    margin: auto;
    background-size: contain;
    transform-origin: center;
    opacity: 0,7;
    /*border-left: 50px solid transparent;
    border-right: 50px solid transparent;
    border-bottom: 86px solid #ebebeb; */

#A .inner {
    background-image: url(imgs/triA.png);




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