How to set focus on client under mouse cursor when tag changes?

When I switch to another tag a new client is selected, but sometimes I am not a client, I have a mouse pointer. To focus on the client under my mouse pointer, I need to either click on it, switch to it with Mod4+ j / k, or bring my mouse cursor back and forth on that client.

I want it to be amazing to focus on the client that is under the mouse cursor when the tag changes. How to do it?

I found the mouse.object_under_pointer () function that finds the client I want, but I don't know when to call that function. Should I attach a handler to a specific signal? I tried to connect to various signals from the Signals wiki page and check with help naughty.notify()

if this is the correct signal, but none of them were called when I switched between tags.


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1 answer

This code did the trick, however there must be a better way to do it than setting a huge 200ms timer (smaller timeouts didn't get me focused on some clients, but you can try setting a smaller one).

  function (t)
    local selected = tostring(t.selected) == "false"
    if selected then
      local focus_timer = timer({ timeout = 0.2 })
      focus_timer:connect_signal("timeout", function()
        local c = awful.mouse.client_under_pointer()
        if not (c == nil) then
          client.focus = c



this global object , so you should just place this code anywhere rc.lua




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