Working with the final block

I have code that generates JarFile

and URLClassLoader

, both of which I want to close at the end. Naturally, I decided to use a block finally

to handle the cleanup:

JarFile jar = ...;
URLClassLoader loader = ...;
try {
    // work ...
} finally {


However, both close()

invocations can throw an exception, so if jar.close()

it throws an exception it loader.close()

will not be achieved. One of the ways I thought about this is by surrounding it jar.close()

with a try-catch block:

JarFile jar = ...;
URLClassLoader loader = ...;
try {
    // work ...
} finally {
    try {
    } catch(IOException e) {


But it seems ugly and over the top. Is there an elegant way to handle cleanup exceptions in blocks finally



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3 answers

In Java 7 and above there is an attempt with resources that handle objects Closeable


Reformat your code this way

try(JarFile jar = ....; URLClassLoader loader = ....;) 
    // work ...


Only classes that implement the interface Closeable

will work in this way, both of these classes meet these criteria.



Of course there is a way to encapsulate this, it's called a method! For example, you can create a class IOUtils

like this:

public class IOUtils {
    // this class is not meant to be instantiated
    private IOUtils() { }

    public static void closeQuietly(Closeable c) {      
       if (c == null) return;
       try {
       } catch (IOException e) { }


And then,

JarFile jar = ...;
URLClassLoader loader = ...;
try {
    // work ...
} finally {


As Patrick J Abae II said, you can also use try-catch with resources, but you can't always do that, for example if you create InputStream

in try-catch first and then create several different types InputStream

by encapsulating the first (ex: encapsulating in CipherInputStream

to decrypt the data and then write c FileOutputStream

). However, I am not saying that trying to try-catch with resources is not a useful construct, it is enough in most cases.



Use try-with-resources :

    try (JarFile jar = new JarFile(filename);
            URLClassLoader loader = URLClassLoader.newInstance(urls)) {
        // do stuff
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        // handle ex           




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