Getting Nodejs and Mongoose data

I have a problem retrieving data.

I have a diagram of a mongoose.

PostSchema.methods.getAuthor = function () {
    this.model('User').findById( (err, author){
        if (author) {
            return author.username;

mongoose.model('Post', PostSchema);


and getMethod

exports.getPost = function (req, res) {
    return Post.findById(, function (err, post) {
        if (!post) {
            res.statusCode = 404;
            return res.send({ error: 'Not found' });
        if (!err) {
            var author = post.getAuthor();
            console.log('author is: ', author);

            return res.send({ status: 'OK', post:post });
        } else {
            res.statusCode = 500;
            return res.send({ error: 'Server error' });


When I call post.getAuthor()

inside the method getPost

, it works and finds the user by id. But var author = post.getAuthor();

it matters undefined



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1 answer

As @zaynetro pointed out, you are calling your method incorrectly getAuthor

. This is an asynchronous method, so you must accept a callback parameter, or you can return a promise.

But what you are trying to do is already built into mongoose, its callable query scope.

You can customize the link property so that you can allow permission for mongoose in the document.

var postSchema = Schema({
    author: {
        type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
        ref: 'User'
mongoose.model('Post', postSchema);

var userSchma = Schema({
    name: String
mongoose.model('User', userSchema);


Then on your route, your request will look like this:

    .exec(function(err, post) {
        if (err) {
            return res.status(500).send({
                error: 'Server error'
        // contains the content of your author document
        return res.send(post);




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