LCM of n numbers modulo 1000000007

I need to find the LCM of n MODULO numbers 10 ^ 9 + 7. My approach is to find the LCM of two numbers and then MOD them. Then take the LCM of the next item and the answer from the previous iteration and MOD. Do this for all elements. It is not right?


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2 answers

Yes, it’s wrong. I am working on a similar problem.

You should be familiar with the following MOD property:

PROPERTY 1: (a * b * c * d ... * p * q)% MOD = (a% MOD) (b% MOD) (c% MOD) ..... (q% MOD);

but this is not the case for LCM.

LCM (a, b) = A * B / GCD (a, b).

LCM (LCM (a, b), c) = LCM (a, b) * c / gcd (LCM (a, b), c).

Whenever LCM becomes larger than MOD, the above property is destroyed. You should try to find LCM in terms of products of a different number in the numerator only.

This can be done by factoring all the numbers and keeping a record of the higher powers of the various factors.

LCM = (2 ^ a) (3 ^ b) .... Now you can easily multiply them iteratively and also store the limit in MOD with property 1.



Just for future reference, here's a C ++ implementation that doesn't use simple factorization.

One possible solution is to keep many factors to answer. Each coefficient will be each number from 1..N divided by GCD (number, [all previous numbers]). For this to work, you need to code a special GCD that computes the result between a single number and an array of factors. This C ++ code shows how it would work:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#define lli long long int
using namespace std;

vector<lli> T;

lli gcd(lli a, lli b) {
    if(b == 0) 
        return a;
    return gcd(b, a%b);

lli gcd_vector(vector<lli>& a, lli b) {
    lli ma = 1;
    for(int i=0; i<T.size(); i++)
        ma = ma*T[i]%b;
    return gcd(b, ma);

int main() {
    lli answer = 1;
    for(int i=1; i<=1000; i++) {
        lli factor = i/gcd_vector(T, i); 
        answer = (answer*factor)%1000000007;

    cout << answer << endl;




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