How to return result from JSON using case insensitive search using javascript?

My JSON contains "products", each with multiple meanings (name, manufacturer, etc.).

I have the following code that allows me to pull "products" from my JSON based on the search result I got from the query string. It works great, but only if the search entry is formatted exactly as it is written in the string.

How can I resolve case insensitive searches, gives the desired result (and ideally a partial search)?

I believe regexes are the way to go, but I've exhausted my knowledge and can't work with anyone with it.

I tried to put together a fiddle but couldn't get a proper demo, so instead I tried to consolidate the code and comment it out for clarity. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

Parse the JSON:

var prodobjects = JSON.parse(prods);


Code to get products based on a specific value:

function getData(array, type, val) {
  return array.filter(function (el) { 
    return el[type] === val;


Code to extract the query string:

function gup( name ){
name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");  
var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";  
var regex = new RegExp( regexS );  
var results = regex.exec( window.location.href ); 
 if( results == null )    return "";  
else    return results[1];}


The section of the query string that I want to use:

var prodresult = gup( 'search' );   


Strip the pluses and replace them with spaces:

var removeplus = prodresult.replace(/\+/g, ' ');


Compile a list of products with their "Prodname" matching the "search" query:

var searchname = getData(prodobjects.products, 'Prodname', removeplus);


And as spelled out here is a sample JSON. It is still in development, so null values ​​etc. are currently being developed. (It is obtained via api). This is just one of the products, but the actual string contains many in one format (but inside "products"):

var prods = JSON.stringify({"products": [
        "Prodname": null,
        "Oem": "Example OEM",
        "Snippet": "Example Snippet",
        "Linkto": "",
        "Imagesource": "image.png",
        "Category": "Category",
        "Tagline": "Tagline goes here",
        "Longdescription": [
                "Paragraph": "<p>First description of the paragraph</p>"
        "Features": null,
        "Company": false,
        "Subscribed": false,
        "Tariffs": [
                "Tarname": "Tariff one",
                "Tarpaysched": "Monthly per User",
                "Tarcost": "£1"
        "Extratariffs": null


--- UPDATE ---

I managed to get it working to support partial search and case insensitivity with the following:

function getData(array, type, val) {
  return array.filter(function (el) {
      if (el[type]!=null && val!=null) {
          var seeker = val.toLowerCase();
          var rooted = el[type].toLowerCase();
          var boxfresh = rooted.indexOf(seeker);
          if (boxfresh!=-1) {
              return rooted



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1 answer

You can convert two strings to lower case (or upper case) to make the comparison case insensitive.

function getData(array, type, val) {
  return array.filter(function (el) { 
    return el[type].toLowerCase() === val.toLowerCase();


For a better search, you may want to look at fuzzy comparison , which is a "search across the data to determine probable wrong matches and approximate string matches."



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