Rspec with Capybara has_css doesn't work

In Cucumber, with Rspec and Capybara, I have a test to check that the button has a class. Here

expect(@some_button).to have_css(".in-cart")


it doesn't work but




'btn product in-cart'


so the button definitely has the class "in the cart".

As a temporary measure, I changed my test:

expect(@some_button['class']).to match /in-cart/


This is obviously insane. But why has "has_css" or "has_css"? return false for a DOM element that clearly has the expected class?

Also page.all ('. In-cart') includes a button so Capybara can definitely find it.

BTW, I've also tried "", "in-cart", expect (etc). to have_selector, expect (etc. has_selector? ("in the basket")). be_truthy and all combinations.


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3 answers


The match is expected to apply to the parent container instead of the actual element

# your view
<div id="container">
  <div class="in_cart product"></div>

# your step definition
parent = page.find('div#container')
expect(parent).to have_css(".in-cart")
# => returns true, as there is nested div.in_cart
expect('div#container div').to have_css(".in-cart")
# => returns false, as there is no such selector inside of the latter div


As with mapping the attributes of an exact object, you should stick with a simple query with a key

element = page.find('div#container div')
element['class'].should include('in-cart')
expect(element['class']).to match /in-cart/


The same logic applies to all RSpecMatchers .



In newer versions, Capybara / Rspec will, by default, expect(page)

query the entire page that is looking for a match; however, sometimes we may not like it and instead it will target a specific class / area of ​​the page. For these cases, narrow down the context page

with within


within('.container') do
  expect(page).to have_css(".in-cart")


Assuming the parent has a container

Capybara class will only search in that element.



Expect (page) .to have_css ('')



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