Codeigniter: this-> datatables-> select (sample) & # 8594; from (sample) & # 8594; Where()

Please help me. I can't seem to use my datasheet correctly. I want to do

select from table and use the

where function

. but i cant get it right.

here is my controller code

 public function reporttable ()

        $zz = array('empnumber' => $this->input->post('empnumber'));
        //$this->db->order_by("surname", "asc");

        echo $this->datatables->generate();


this is my intended request:

select * from tblreport where empnumber = (empnumber in my textbox.)

there, I am getting the value from the textbox to my view. but it didn't work. I know this is wrong. could you help me with my problem? thank.

<p align="center"> <?php echo $this->table->generate();?></p></div>
<?php foreach ($tblemployee as $row){?> 
<input type="text" name="empnumber" readonly="readonly"  value="<?php echo $row->empnumber;?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="empnumber" value="<?php echo $row->empnumber;?>"/>


here is my take on leadership. thank.


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3 answers

as Simple you can use

In Controller

$data['tblemployee'] = $this->model_name->reporttable($id)//assign your data base value to variable 
$this->load->view('your view name',$data )


in Model

public function reporttable($id)
    $query = $this->db->query("select * from tblreport where empnumber = '$id'");
    $result = $query->result_array();
    return $result; // this will return your data as array


In view

foreach ($tblemployee as $row)
echo $row['id];





Try the following:

To make it simpler.

In the model:

public function reporttable ($id){

  $this->db->where('empnumber', $id);

  $query =  $this->db->get();
  return $query->return_array(); // use this if so want to return many query if not you can also use first_row('array')


In the controller:

public function function_name (){
  $data['variable_name'] =  $this->model_name->reporttable($id); // change the model_name by your own model where your function reporttable is located and use the variable_name for your view,

  $this->load->view('view_name' , $data); // load the view page you want to display.




In Controller

$data['tblemployee'] = $this->model_name->reporttable($id)//assign your data base value to variable $this->load->view('your view name',$data )

in Model

public function reporttable($id) { $query = $this->db->query("select * from tblreport where empnumber = '$id'"); $result = $query->result_array(); return $result; // this will return your data as array }

In view

<?php foreach ($tblemployee as $row) { echo $row['id]; }?>



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