Add a new item to the list box printed on the jsp page using Spring form: input

I have a class called "Menu". It has a list of objects called VoceMenu

public class Menu implements Serializable{
    private List<VoceMenu> voceMenuList;

public class VoceMenu implements Serializable{  
    private String descrizione; 


I am printing voceMenuList on jsp page using Spring form tag to be able to change values

<form:form modelAttribute="menu">       
   <c:forEach items="${menu.voceMenuList}" varStatus="counter">         
        id<form:input path="voceMenuList[${counter.index}].descrizione"/>


On the same jsp page, I would like to allow the user to add a new VoceMenu. But in this case, I cannot figure out what to write inside the attribute path



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