Best way to filter a list of dictionaries in Python

I have a list of dictionaries that have a structure like this:

log = [{'user_id': 'id1', 'action': 'action1', 'timestamp': 'time1'},  
       {'user_id': 'id2', 'action': 'action2', 'timestamp': 'time2'},


and sorted by timestamp value.

I would like to remove consecutive identical actions performed by the same user, leaving only the first one, for example. if i have the following list:

log = [{'user_id': 'id1', 'action': 'action1', 'timestamp': 'time1'},
       {'user_id': 'id1', 'action': 'action1', 'timestamp': 'time2'},
       {'user_id': 'id1', 'action': 'action1', 'timestamp': 'time3'},
       {'user_id': 'id2', 'action': 'action2', 'timestamp': 'time4'},
       {'user_id': 'id3', 'action': 'action2', 'timestamp': 'time5'},
       {'user_id': 'id3', 'action': 'action2', 'timestamp': 'time6'},
       {'user_id': 'id1', 'action': 'action1', 'timestamp': 'time7'},
       {'user_id': 'id1', 'action': 'action1', 'timestamp': 'time8'}]


I would like to get this list as a result:

log = [{'user_id': 'id1', 'action': 'action1', 'timestamp': 'time1'},
       {'user_id': 'id2', 'action': 'action2', 'timestamp': 'time4'},
       {'user_id': 'id3', 'action': 'action2', 'timestamp': 'time5'},
       {'user_id': 'id1', 'action': 'action1', 'timestamp': 'time7'}]


I am currently doing it like this:

def merge_actions(log):
    merged_log = []
    for i in range(1, len(log)):
        if log[i]['user_id'] == log[i-1]['user_id']:
            if log[i]['action'] == log[i-1]['action']:
    return merged_log


Is there a better way to do this?


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4 answers

If you use itertools.groupby

and group with 'user_id'

and 'action'

, you can grab the first item from each of the group.

>>> [next(group) for key, group in itertools.groupby(log, key = lambda i: (i['user_id'], i['action']))]
[{'timestamp': 'time1', 'action': 'action1', 'user_id': 'id1'},
 {'timestamp': 'time4', 'action': 'action2', 'user_id': 'id2'},
 {'timestamp': 'time5', 'action': 'action2', 'user_id': 'id3'},
 {'timestamp': 'time7', 'action': 'action1', 'user_id': 'id1'}]




Use itertools.groupby

to group consecutive actions of the same user and then take the first element of each group:

def merge_actions(log):
    return [next(group) for key, group in itertools.groupby(log, lambda l: (l['user_id'], l['action']))




If you need to use a loop, you just need to just keep track of the last key you saw:

it = iter(log)
start = next(it)
od,prev = [start], start["user_id"]
for d in it:
    k = d["user_id"]
    if prev != k:
    prev = k


[{'action': 'action1', 'timestamp': 'time1', 'user_id': 'id1'}, 
 {'action': 'action2', 'timestamp': 'time4', 'user_id': 'id2'}, 
{'action': 'action2', 'timestamp': 'time5', 'user_id': 'id3'}, 
{'action': 'action1', 'timestamp': 'time7', 'user_id': 'id1'}]


If actions aren't always grouped, check both keys:

it = iter(log)
start = next(it)
od, prev,act = [start], start["user_id"],start["action"]
for d in it:
    k1, k2 = d["user_id"], d["action"]
    if prev != k1 or k2 != act:
    prev, act = k1, k2




Here's a tricky attempt at using groupby


from itertools import groupby
a = [{'user_id': 'id1', 'action': 'action1', 'timestamp': 'time1'},
       {'user_id': 'id1', 'action': 'action1', 'timestamp': 'time2'},
       {'user_id': 'id1', 'action': 'action1', 'timestamp': 'time3'},
       {'user_id': 'id2', 'action': 'action2', 'timestamp': 'time4'},
       {'user_id': 'id3', 'action': 'action2', 'timestamp': 'time5'},
       {'user_id': 'id3', 'action': 'action2', 'timestamp': 'time6'},
       {'user_id': 'id1', 'action': 'action1', 'timestamp': 'time7'},
       {'user_id': 'id1', 'action': 'action1', 'timestamp': 'time8'}]
for u, grps in groupby(a, lambda d: d['user_id']):
    d_with_first_ts = sorted(grps, key = lambda user_dict: user_dict['timestamp'])[0]
    print('User: {}; Dict with first timestamp = {}'.format(u, d_with_first_ts))


You will get the following results:

User: id1; Dict with first timestamp = {'timestamp': 'time1', 'action': 'action1', 'user_id': 'id1'}
User: id2; Dict with first timestamp = {'timestamp': 'time4', 'action': 'action2', 'user_id': 'id2'}
User: id3; Dict with first timestamp = {'timestamp': 'time5', 'action': 'action2', 'user_id': 'id3'}
User: id1; Dict with first timestamp = {'timestamp': 'time7', 'action': 'action1', 'user_id': 'id1'}




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