Instantiation for n-depth structures?

By n-depth structure

I mean some structure that embeds one kind of structure n

once, for example [[a]]

- a list of 2 depths.

I was looking for an instance by accident Functor

, Foldable

and Traversable

for a 3-deep list ( [[[a]]]

) today and found some pattern, as you can see below:

instance Functor [[[]]] where
    fmap f n = fmap (fmap (fmap f)) n

instance Foldable [[[]]] where
    foldMap f n = foldMap (foldMap (foldMap f)) n

instance Traversable [[[]]] where
    sequenceA n =
        let fz = \z -> sequenceA z
            fy = \y -> sequenceA (fmap fz y)
            fx = \x -> sequenceA (fmap fy x)
        in  fx n


I think this can be automated by types in some way not only for []

, but for any structures that have these instances (for example Vector

), not only 3-depths, but any depths if it is greater than zero.

I think something like data Depth = One | Succ Depth

will be used to calculate the compilation depth, but beyond that I have no idea how it goes. Do you think this is really possible? How do you implement it?


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3 answers

The other answers are pretty nice in that they represent a single (parameterized) data type that can handle structures of any depth; however, they use advanced system functions to achieve this. On the other hand, there are some pretty simple functions that can be used instead to achieve the same goal and with more flexibility. The basic idea is to define functor composition once and for all:

newtype Compose f g a = Compose { getComposition :: f (g a) }
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Compose f g) where
    fmap f (Compose v) = Compose (fmap (fmap f) v)


Similarly, you can define instances for Foldable

and Traversable

without extensions. Then you get a single, double and triple attachment, for example

type DepthOneList = []
type DepthTwoList = Compose [] []                -- = Compose [] DepthOneList
type DepthThreeList = Compose [] (Compose [] []) -- = Compose [] DepthTwoList


and they have the necessary operations Functor

, Foldable

and Traversable

. Also, you have a lot of flexibility here; you don't need to have the same functor at every depth, but can have, for example,

type Mixed = Compose [] (Compose Vector [])


no problem. If you really need to, you can happily unwrap sets of level types into this more structured level-level object (although of course this requires similar extensions to those used in other answers):

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds    #-}
data Nat = Z | S Nat
type family IterCompose (n :: Nat) (f :: * -> *) :: * -> * where
    IterCompose Z f = Identity
    IterCompose (S n) f = Compose f (IterCompose n f)


But this level-level translation is in most cases less flexible, less useful, and less readable than just writing the written type by hand, so I would consider this part as a "dull" part in a way.

A pre-implemented function composition operation is available in Hackage in the TypeCompose package and, perhaps more canonically, in transformers .



What you are talking about is essentially the composition of functors (in particular, n-fold self-composition, but that doesn't really matter).

Indeed , such compositions can be made automatically instances of classes Functor

, Applicative

, Foldable

and Traversable

. Alternatively, you can have stacks of monad transformers (which are essentially an alternative approach to performer composition).

To make it n-fold with the same functor, you need a suitable wrapper.

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures, GADTs, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
data Nat = Z | S Nat

data NCompose :: Nat -> (* -> *) -> * -> * where
  Singly :: f x -> NCompose (S Z) f x
  Multiplie :: NCompose n f (f x) -> NCompose (S n) f x

instance Functor (NCompose Z f) where
  fmap _ _ = undefined -- safe, since there no constructor for `NCompose Z f x`
instance (Functor f, Functor (NCompose n f)) => Functor (NCompose (S n) f) where
  fmap f (Singly q) = Singly $ fmap f q
  fmap f (Multiplie q) = Multiplie $ fmap (fmap f) q




We can do this with the current GHC support for dependent typing. Qualifying:

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeFamilies #-}

import Data.Singletons -- from "singletons" package
import Data.Nat        -- from my "singleton-nats" package


From this Data.Nat

we get a natural number type that can be used at the extension type level DataKinds

. We also get its singleton type, which allows us to match patterns at Nat

runtime. We use designers Z

and S

level designers and the type SZ

and SS

level designers term for zero and subsequent designs, respectively.

We define iteration of type-family constructors:

type family Iterate n f x where
  Iterate Z     f x = x
  Iterate (S n) f x = f (Iterate n f x)


For example, it Iterate (S (S Z)) [] Int

boils down to [[Int]]


We are not using instances here, as the desired functionality can be achieved by simply writing functions.

fmapN :: Functor f => Sing (S n) -> (a -> b) -> f (Iterate n f a) -> f (Iterate n f b)
fmapN (SS SZ)     f = fmap f
fmapN (SS (SS n)) f = fmap (fmapN (SS n) f)

traverseN :: (Applicative f, Traversable t) => Sing (S n) -> (a -> f b) -> t (Iterate n t a) -> f (t (Iterate n t b))
traverseN (SS SZ)     f = traverse f
traverseN (SS (SS n)) f = traverse (traverseN (SS n) f)

foldMapN :: (Monoid m, Foldable f) => Sing (S n) -> (a -> m) -> f (Iterate n f a) -> m
foldMapN (SS SZ)     f = foldMap f
foldMapN (SS (SS n)) f = foldMap (foldMapN (SS n) f)


Some tests:

> traverseN (sing :: SLit 3) putStrLn [[["foo"]]]
> fmapN (sing :: SLit 5) (+10) [[[[[0]]]]]


sing :: SLit n

is an abbreviation for singletons Nat

. sing

comes from Data.Singletons

, and it polymorphically creates singleton values ​​based on the provided type annotations. SLit

is a synonym for the type from Data.Nat

, which uses the literary characters of the GHC.

We could also write out Nat

sugar-free singletons ; for example, SS (SS (SS SZ))

matches sing :: SLit 3

. In general, we can use a shorthand label Lit n

at the type level and sing :: SLit n

at the term level.



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