Out of memory opencv

I am getting started with OpenCV and C ++. I am trying to write PCA code for face recognition using 3 different faces. To do this, each image (size d = mxn) is transformed into a column vector of d elements.

typedef vector<Mat> Row;
Row img1v(36000,img1);
Row img2v(36000,img2);
Row img3v(36000,img3);


I am calculating the vector of average images as follows:

Row meanImg;
 for(int i=0;i<img1v.size();++i)


Here I am getting an error:

OpenCV error: Out of memory (unable to allocate 144004 bytes) in OutOfMemoryError

My image size is 180x200. I do not know what to do? Also how can I form a string vector in opencv using C ++? (To compute the covariance, I need to multiply the difference vector with its traspose).


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1 answer

I don't know OpenCV and its types. But yours typedef

looks suspicious.

I am guessing the error occurs when instantiating imgXv


. For each call Row imgXv(36000,img1);

, a vector is created of 36,000 instances Mat

, which are copies of the instances imgX

. See Constructor 2) std::vector::vector

at cppreference.com :

vector( size_type count, const T& value, const Allocator& alloc = Allocator());


2) Creates a container with countable copies of items with a value.

So, you are trying to store 108003 images in memory. Each of your images consists of 36,000 pixels. If each pixel is represented by at least 1 byte, this would take up at least 3.6 GB of memory.

From what I get from your approach, you don't want this, but rather typedef vector<float> Row;

andRow imgXv(36000);



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