Creating a place type filter for the Android place autocomplete API

This API seems to be pretty new, so there aren't many questions, not many tutorials here.

I followed google tutorial and got Autocomplete Android api app working in my app. Now I am trying to use AutocompleteFilter to restrict my results to a specific area or specific types of places.

There doesn't seem to be any documentation for a beginner like me explaining what to do.

The AutocompleteFilter requires a Collection object. How do I change the following values ​​to integers?


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4 answers

The issue was resolved by a google employee himself who I contacted via our Maps support portal to work.

The site types are listed here with their entire copies.

They can be used to filter the Android Place autocomplete API.



I can't comment, so I'll add a warning here for the answer above:

Not all constants from Place are available for filtering using AutocompleteFilter, only two are available on Android: Place.TYPE_GEOCODE


('address' appears in the documentation, but not as a constant in Place


If any other constant is used (for example Place.TYPE_LOCALITY

), the request will result in this confusing status error:

Status{statusCode=NETWORK_ERROR, resolution=null}  




Depending on your requirement, you can create AutocompleteFilter

. This filter can then be applied to IntentBuilder

using setFilter()


For example:

  • If you want to limit results in a specific country, you can do this:

    AutocompleteFilter typeFilter = new AutocompleteFilter.Builder().setCountry("IN").build();
    Intent intent = new PlaceAutocomplete.IntentBuilder(PlaceAutocomplete.MODE_FULLSCREEN).setFilter(typeFilter).build(this);

  • If you want to limit the results to a specific type of place, you can do it in a similar way by changing the Filter as:

    AutocompleteFilter typeFilter = new AutocompleteFilter.Builder().setTypeFilter(AutocompleteFilter.TYPE_FILTER_REGIONS).build();



Android Place Autocomplete does not support all the types listed by the link given in the previous answer.

Since v8.4 the supported types are provided by AutocompleteFilter as described here

// AutocompleteFilter
public static final int TYPE_FILTER_NONE = 0;
public static final int TYPE_FILTER_GEOCODE = 1007;
public static final int TYPE_FILTER_ADDRESS = 2;
public static final int TYPE_FILTER_ESTABLISHMENT = 34;
public static final int TYPE_FILTER_REGIONS = 4;
public static final int TYPE_FILTER_CITIES = 5;




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