Active directory and linux nslcd bind without AD schema extension

I have a requirement to bind linux clients to Active Directory for Windows Server 2012. I have a test environment where I have successfully done this with both samba-winbind-kerberos and nslcd using a user for authentication. However, when using samba-winbind-kerberos I was able to achieve this without extending the AD schema to include UNIX attributes (UID / GID, Home directory, shell) as smb.conf has the idmap capability by specifying the starting range

idmap config *:range = 11000-20000


and that will take care of the unix mapping of the UID / GID of the AD users.

If I do not enable UNIX attributes in AD, I get an error in the nslcd debug log that says

uidNumber: missing


Is it possible to use the same function in nslcd / libnss_ldap so that I don't need to extend AD schema on Windows 2012 server? I do not prefer using samba in production due to the remote code execution vulnerability.


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3 answers

It's impossible now. There is no identity mapping for nslcd as per their documentation and it requires your AD schema to extend to have unix attributes.



Using CentOS Linux 7.4.1708 (Core) with nslcd version 0.8.13 for Windows 2016 AD without schema extension, I was able to configure this and get it working today.

I mainly used the Serverfault article " Checking LDAP on CentOS 7 " and had to use it in the /etc/nslcd.conf

section Alternative mappings for Active Directory

and replace the SIDs in the objectSid mappings with the value for your domain


To " Get SID by your objectSID using ldapsearch " I used the linked script ,

Other mappings were set to

filter passwd (&(objectClass=user)(objectClass=person)(!(objectClass=computer)))
map    passwd uid           sAMAccountName
map    passwd uidNumber     objectSid:<yourValue>
map    passwd gidNumber     primaryGroupID
map    passwd homeDirectory "/home/$sAMAccountName"
map    passwd gecos         displayName
map    passwd loginShell    "/bin/bash"
map     group gidNumber      primaryGroupID




Hola puedes Comparison Como Complete ObjectSid: yourValue ??



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