Kong: Mashape Kong does not start on Mac OS X

Today I have installed Kong (API Control Layer) on my Mac OS X (Yosemite 10.10.5). I used the .pkg file that is available here . I followed the installation instructions and everything was successful.

I also installed Cassandra using the information provided on the Cassandra home page.

But when I start Kong using the command:

$ kong start


It throws the following error:

dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket for fe80::3e15:XXXX:XXXX%en0: Can't assign requested address



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4 answers

It looks like you already have something running on the kong port 8000,8001 or 9042. Try to close anything that might be using those ports and try again?



you can configure Kong to run on any configurable ports for (proxy and admin) by changing the values ​​in the file /etc/kong/kong.yml

. see full configuration description here



The problem is that dnsmasq on Kong is listening on the default port 8053

( https://github.com/Mashape/kong/blob/master/kong.yml#L29 ) which seems to be already accepted on your system.

Make sure nothing is running on this port.



You can kill the process running on dnsmasq port and restart kong.

Kill the process:

sudo kill `sudo lsof -t -i:8053`


Start Kong:

kong start

/usr/local/bin/kong start
/usr/local/bin/kong stop
/usr/local/bin/kong reload
/usr/local/bin/kong status




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