Bing Maps Trigger Launch Event

I'm having trouble with the click event on Bing Maps. I have an array of repositories and I can put all the kick and click events without any problem (to open the infobox)

var STORES = [
        id: 123,
        lat: 1.23456789,
        lng: -1.23456789,
        name: 'AEVA'

for (var i = 0; i < STORES.length; i++) {
    var pinOptions: {icon: 'map-pin.png?id'+STORES[i].id, width: 29, height: 52},
        LatLng = new Microsoft.Maps.Location(STORES[i].lat, STORES[i].lng),
        pin = new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(LatLng, pinOptions);

    pin.content = '<p>'+STORES[i].name+'</p>';

    Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(pin, 'click', displayInfobox);



Now the problem is that the user comes to the page via a search page which basically adds a hashtag with an id like / stores # id123

I want the card to automatically open the field with this ID, so I added this code

var hash = window.location.hash;
hash = hash.replace("#", "");
    var pin = $('img[src*="?'+hash+'"]').parent();


But it just won't work. I have also tried

Microsoft.Maps.Events.invoke(a, 'click');


But nothing happened, does anyone have a solution to trigger the event?



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1 answer



expects an entity entity, not an Html element. Entity can be any of the following types: Infobox , Polygon , Polyline , Pushpin , TileLayer, or EntityCollection .

Having said that, you might consider the following approach for finding Pushpin :

function findPin(map,storeId)
    for(var i = 0; i < map.entities.getLength();i++){
        var entity = map.entities.get(i);
        if(entity.getIcon === undefined) continue;
        var icon = entity.getIcon();  
        if(entity.getIcon() === "map-pin.png?id" + storeId) return entity;
    return null;



var storeId = window.location.hash.replace("#id", "");
if(storeId.length > 0){
    var selectedPin = findPin(bing,storeId);
    Microsoft.Maps.Events.invoke(selectedPin, 'click');



function displayInfobox(e) {
    infobox.setOptions({ visible: true });




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