Error: $ compile: ctreq Required controller missing

I have the following code.

In my html:

<md-list-item ng-repeat="sidenavelem in sidenavelements">
    <md-button layout="row" layout-align="start center" ng-click="SelectSidevanElements(sidenavelem); Close()" ng-bind-html=" | to_trusted">a</md-button>

<md-content layout="column" flex class="md-padding">
    <div dynamic="sidenavelement.template"></div>


This is the directive:

var app = angular.module('StarterApp', ['ngMaterial', 'mdDataTable']);

app.directive('dynamic', function ($compile) {
return {
    restrict: 'A',
    replace: true,
    link: function (scope, ele, attrs) {
        scope.$watch(attrs.dynamic, function(html) {


And inside my controller

$scope.sidenavelement = $scope.sidenavelements[0];
$scope.SelectSidevanElements = function(sidelem) {
    $scope.sidenavelement = sidelem;

$scope.sidenavelements = [
    name: "Home",
    '<div layout-padding flex>' +
    '   <md-data-table table-card="{visible: tableCardIsEnabled}">' +
    '       <md-data-table-header-row>' +
    '           <md-data-table-column align-rule="left">Money</md-data-table-column>' +
    '       </md-data-table-header-row>' +
    '       <md-data-table-row ng-repeat="record in records">' +
    '           <md-data-table-cell>{{}}€</md-data-table-cell>' +
    '       </md-data-table-row>' +
    '   </md-data-table>' +
    name: similar above,
    template: similar above
    name: similar above,
    template: similar


My program works like this. When I click the md button on the md-list item, the md content changes with the content of the sidenavelement.template file

I have a simple function that adds elements to array entries (what values ​​are displayed in the "home template".

If I go to a "template" other than "home" and I try to insert a value inside an array of records, everything works, but I have the following error:

Error link !

Can anyone help me?


EDIT : Link Cloud9 IDE


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1 answer

You have a problem with your directive i.e. require: '...'

is absent.
For more details here on your problem, or for more on how to create custom directives, read this .



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