OrElseGet chaining in Java8

I have a list that comes with 50 values. Now I have 3 matching conditions, however the matching conditions are in some order. As with condition P1, I have to match first, if it doesn't match any item, then the second condition has to be evaluated for logic and so on. How to do it using Java 8 chaining and orElseGet


I was considering using it orElseGet

, but it requires a vendor.

Please let me know how to do this.


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1 answer

The simplest way would be to iterate over the conditions first:

Stream.<Predicate<String>>of("AB"::equals, "DC"::equals,"XY"::equals)
        .flatMap(condition -> test.stream().filter(condition).limit(1))


Of course, since in your example example all the conditions match strings, you can make it easier, but I assume you want to ask about the general case.

You can also do it with orElseGet


        .map(Optional::of).orElseGet(() -> test.stream().filter("DC"::equals).findFirst())
        .map(Optional::of).orElseGet(() -> test.stream().filter("XY"::equals).findFirst())




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