Find all data attributes in one element

Does anyone know of a quick and efficient way to grab all data attributes from a single element? I understand that () will do exactly that, however it won't give me the data attributes set using .attr () UNLESS. First I select the data attribute using .data (); Also, you cannot select items by data attributes that were added using .data (), which seems silly.


<div data-foo="bar"></div>



//returns {foo:bar} good :)

//returns {foo:bar} no good :(

//returns the div, all good :)

//returns nothing, very bad


Hope this explains


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2 answers

You can use dataset property in modern browsers (IE11 + only), but you can improve the solution to use . attributes to support older browsers

var $in = $('input'),
    input = $in[0], //here input is a dom element reference
    dataMap = input.dataset;
//if dataset is not supported
if (typeof dataMap == 'undefined') {
    dataMap = {};
    $.each(input.attributes, function (key, attr) {
        var match =^data-(.+)/);
        if (match) {
            dataMap[match[0]] = attr.value;
$.each(dataMap, function (key, value) {
    console.log(key, value)


Demo: Fiddle



Different versions of Internet Explorer support different features that are relevant to this issue. In version 11, support was added dataset

that returns a DOMStringMap of data attribute names (minus the "data-" part) and their corresponding values.

In versions 9 and 10, we can use Array.prototype.slice to convert a well-maintained collection attributes

to an array, which can then be reduced to an object like DOMStringMap.

We can combine both of these approaches into a single function that takes an element as its argument and returns an object like this: {name: "pat", "age": 23} for all data attributes:

function getDataAttributes ( el ) {
    return el.dataset || [] el.attributes ).reduce(function ( o, a ) {
        return /^data-/.test( ) && ( o[ 5 ) ] = a.value ), o;
    }, {} );


If you need Internet Explorer 8 or below support, you can still use the above approaches and just polyfill Array.prototype.reduce .



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