Problems with dynamically changing checkbox state with AJAX

I am trying to checkboxes via ajax but it is not working correctly. I cannot change the state of the first checkbox , only the second one works fine. Can anyone spot a bug here?

    contentType:"application/json; charset:utf-8",
    success: function(data){
        .append("<tr rowspan='2' class='domainname'>
                      <th class='domainname'>Domain Name</th>
                      <th class='domainname'>Is this domain applicable to your organization?</th>
                      <th style='height:30px' class='domainname'>Do you want this domain to be displayed?</th>
        var index = 0;

            var index2=index+1;

            var display_status = "";
            var applicable_status = "";
            if(data[i].applicable == 1){
                applicable_status = "checked";
            if(data[i].display == 1){
                display_status = "checked";

        .append("<tr class='domainname'>
                    <td class='domainname'>
                       <a href='setcategoryapplicability.php?dom="+ data[i].domid +"'>"+ data[i].domname +"</a>
                         <input id='toggle-"+index+"' name='applicable["+data[i].domid+"]' class='toggle toggle-round' type=checkbox "+applicable_status+">
                             <label for='toggle-"+index+"]'></label>
                        <input id='toggle-"+index2+"' name='display["+data[i].domid+"]' class='toggle toggle-round' type=checkbox "+display_status+">
                             <label for='toggle-"+index2+"'></label>
            index = index +2;
    complete: function(){


enter image description here


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2 answers

I'm sorry to bother you guys. I'm so stupid. Thank you for your responses. It is working fine now. enter image description here



Please confirm the correctness of your data

If your data behaves as expected, the application should work.

If you are having problems with the first checkbox, it data[i].applicable

may not display in the expected format.

See example below where I am passing hardcoded data in the expected format (based on my reading of the code since you did not provide an example data object):

var data = [
        "domid": "domid_A",
        "domname": "Domain Name A",
        "applicable": 0,
        "display": 0
        "domid": "domid_B",
        "domname": "Domain Name B",
        "applicable": 1,
        "display": 1
var index = 0;

    "<tr rowspan='2' class='domainname'>" +
    "    <th class='domainname'>Domain Name</th>" +
    "    <th class='domainname'>Is this domain applicable to your organization?</th>" + 
    "    <th style='height:30px' class='domainname'>Do you want this domain to be displayed?</th>" +
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
    var index2 = index + 1;
    var display_status = "";
    var applicable_status = "";

    if (data[i].applicable == 1) {
        applicable_status = "checked";

    if (data[i].display == 1) {
        display_status = "checked";
        "<tr class='domainname'>" +
        "    <td class='domainname'>" +
        "        <a href='setcategoryapplicability.php?dom=" + data[i].domid + "'>" + data[i].domname + "</a>" +
        "    </td>" +
        "    <td>" +
        "        <input id='toggle-" + index + "' name='applicable[" + data[i].domid + "]' class='toggle toggle-round' type=checkbox " + applicable_status + ">" +
        "        <label for='toggle-" + index + "]'></label>" + 
        "    </td>" +
        "    <td>" +
        "        <input id='toggle-" + index2 + "' name='display[" + data[i].domid + "]' class='toggle toggle-round' type=checkbox " + display_status + ">" +
        "        <label for='toggle-" + index2 + "'></label>" +
        "    </td>" +
    index = index + 2;

<script src=""></script>
<table id="domainlist"></table>

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