AngularJS: ui-select after selection failed to remove selected option except change option

I am using ui-select to fetch data from the server and populate it in a dropdown (search and select). I have created a plunker for you.

<ui-select ng-model="country.selected" theme="selectize" ng-disabled="disabled" style="width: 300px;">
    <ui-select-match placeholder="Select or search a country in the list...">{{$}}</ui-select-match>
    <ui-select-choices repeat="country in countries | filter: $">
        <span ng-bind-html=" | highlight: $"></span>
        <small ng-bind-html="country.code | highlight: $"></small>


Once I have selected any value from the selector, I can change it. But failed to delete. How can i do this?


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1 answer

You have to use a different theme, for example select2

, to make this work. I've updated PLUNKER to show how this might work. Add allow-clear="true"

to ui-select-match

and set theme to theme="select2"

to enable deselection of an item.

<ui-select ng-model="country.selected" 
      <ui-select-match allow-clear="true" placeholder="Select country">
      <ui-select-choices repeat="country in countries | filter: $">
            <span ng-bind-html=" | highlight: $"></span>
            <small ng-bind-html="country.code | highlight: $"></small>




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